Evaluation Seminar Czech Republic CSF and OP Managing Authorities Session 5: Ex-Ante Evaluation and Lisbon Strategy
Presentation Structure Ex-Ante Evaluation Background and draft regulation Evaluation stages and key issues Analysis of investment needs National Strategic Reference Framework Operational Programmes Lisbon Strategy Main elements Lisbon and Cohesion Policy Conclusions
Ex-Ante Evaluation: Background Proposed Regulation from Commission Article 46 Ex-Ante requirements National Strategic Reference Framework Operational Programmes Evaluation Plan also required in NSRF
Evaluation Stages Ex-Ante evaluation needed at 3 stages To help identify investment needs NSRF (regulation) Operational programmes (regulation) Process needs to be organised in integrated way With ex-ante inputs helping planning and programming process
Stage 1: Identification of Investment Needs Evaluation not a requirement for this purpose But could help formulate NSRF and OPs Objective would be to identify main investment priorities and provide an independent, non-Ministry view Needs to be done soon And by independent organisation
Investment Needs Key issues for TOR Assessment of current economic situation and outlook SWOT analysis Identification of constraints and problems What are the market failures? Can public/EU investment adress these? Lisbon Strategy should be explicit focus
How did we do this in Ireland? High level NDP objectives decided at early stage Then commissioned independent evaluation of needs in early 1998 Carried out by ESRI, independent body Separate from other stages in ex-ante process Evaluators reviewed Ministry submissions Report made recommendations on investment levels in NDP Completed in advance of Plan drafting Report a key input to NDP
NSRF Evaluation Article 46 (2), ex-ante evaluation of NSFR assess impact of intervention proposed coherence with Community guidelines National and regional priorities Commission will produce guidance Earlier SWOT evaluation will help Could be done by same organisation?
OP Evaluation Article 46 (3) Evaluation required for each OP Aim is “to optimise resources and improve programme quality” Policy Issues Coherence Consistency with EU policy and with NSRF Implementation issues Quality of procedures Monitoring, evaluation, financial control Who should do these? NSRF evaluator or separate OP evaluator
Lisbon: What is it? March 2000, EU leaders set 2010 objective “EU to become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion and respect for the environment” Currently under review Kok report (Nov 2004) Mid-Term Review at Spring 2005 Council
Lisbon and Cohesion Policy Commission wants Cohesion Policy to support Lisbon agenda Instruments Community Strategic Guidelines to be adopted by Council Then NSRF submitted by member states NSRF and ex-ante evaluation will have to address Lisbon agenda
Lisbon Priorities Lisbon agenda has widened “Lisbon is about everthing and thus about nothing” (Kok report) Kok focuses on key policy areas Knowledge society (R&D) Internal market Business climate Labour market Environmental sustainability
Lisbon Priorities and Cohesion Policy Internal market not relevant to cohesion policy Business climate of limited relevance Risk capital availability Cohesion policy and 2007 –2013 programmes can contribute in other areas
Knowledge Society Key areas of relevance Raising R&D investment Broadband accessibility Can be directly targeted in OPs But caution needed Is there a market failure? that R&D money can be spent Focus on basic research
Labour Market Key Lisbon objective: raise employment rate in EU Cohesion policy of high relevance Significant investment possibilities in OPs Improving education and training systems Reconciling work and family life (Childcare) Reducing early school-leaving Lifelong learning (older workers) Training in companies Good case for investment in these areas But need to be sure that money can be spent
Environmental Sustainability Idea is to make environment part of Europe’s competitive advantage And embed environment in growth Some investment possibilities Environmentally friendly transport Renewable energy Promoting eco-efficient innovations Are these priority issues for Czech Republic?
Conclusions Lisbon agenda will have to be addressed in NSRF Ex-Ante Evaluation Should be explicit focus of TOR for ex-ante evaluation of investment needs and NSFR Highly relevant to a number of areas Labour market Knowledge economy Environment
Conclusions Lisbon agenda is broad and in a state of flux Most investments can be justified under Lisbon But Lisbon must be balanced with key challenges/priorities for Czech Republic Other important considerations Is there a market failure? Would other instruments work better? Need to avoid high-risk areas because of N+2 Can money be absorbed and spent effectively? Ex-Ante must consider these