FOR AP PSYCHOLOGY “What should I be doing when I’m reading the AP Psych text book?”
There are layers of understanding that need to be built: INDEPENDENT LEARNING Vocabulary (al dente noodles) Objectives (meat/tofu) CLASS LEARNING Notes/Discussions (sauce) Activities (cheese)
BEFORE YOU READ: Scan over the assigned reading How is the book formatted? What do you notice? Ask yourself “what do I already know about the topics?” AS YOU READ: Take notes to help you construct meaning and recall information When you don’t understand something, reread the passage. If that still doesn’t work, ask Mr. McBride the next day!
Hand write the bold vocabulary words as you read. Options : Create flashcardsflashcards Use the 3 Column Method3 Column Method
Front side = 1. Vocabulary term 2. Number Back side = 1. Definition in your own words 2. Connection to your life OR Example OR Analogy OR Picture OR Mnemonic Device OR Use the term in a sentence
First Column: Vocabulary Term Number Second Column: Definition in your own words Third Column: Connection to your life OR Example OR Analogy OR Picture OR Mnemonic Device OR Use the term in a sentence
Take notes! Record the Objectives in your notebook/on paper. Respond to the objectives after you’ve finished the section.
Names/famous studies Italicized terms Good examples Pictures/charts/graphs Turn headings into questions…can you answer them
DO NOT… Rewrite the entire textbook Write in complete sentences Write down something you already know well Try to multi-task
USE METACOGNITION TECHNIQUES: Metacoding This makes sense X This contradicts what I thought ? I don’t get this ?? I really don’t get this * This idea is important + This is new to me and interesting EVALUATE YOUR NOTES AND LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING JOT DOWN QUESTIONS YOU STILL HAVE – ASK Mr. McBride IN CLASS
At the end of each chapter Great resource before a test Double check your notes – are they sufficient? Test yourself!!! AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR STUDY GUIDE
Adjust as you go May be more, may be less Use test results to guide you