Introduction Easy English, Inc. Chinese based company specializing in Language translation Background Translations are currently done manually by bi-lingual employees Clientele is predominately business-to-business(B2B) customers
Objectives Primary objective is to increase translation capabilities such as speed and accuracy System will have accuracy of over 90% and speed of at least 15 times faster than human translations Secondary objective is to increase customer base Customer base can be expanded through the automation of the system
Objectives Human resources required for each documents will be minimized Only necessary for post-translation proofing Document return time will be cut in half Innovative product that increases company appeal Provides clients with simple interface to submit documents
Personnel Overview Primary project management & development team located in Hong Kong Deep talent in computational linguistics Sponsor, supporting project team and general developers located in U.S.
Personnel Overview Hong Kong Systems Design Project Manager Responsible for overall project success Translation Design Project Manager Responsible for overall success of the core translation system
Personnel Overview Hong Kong 2 Linguistics Developers 1 Technical Lead 1 Functional Manager (HK Site Operations) 1 Translations Quality Tester 1 Database Designer
Personnel Overview United States Project Sponsor 1 Database Infrastructure & Security Engineer 1 Code Standards Manager 1 Translation Design Support Staff ~30 General Developers
Resources Overview Hong Kong Chinese Liaison Consulting Firm Assist in cutting red tape and acquiring resources Office Space Networking and Computer Equipment
Resources Overview United States Development Office Space Development Environment/Infrastructure Servers Storage Software Networking and Computer Equipment
Resources Overview Hong Kong will access U.S.-based development environment remotely over a VPN No code or work product will be stored in Hong Kong Protects Easy English from China’s notoriously weak protection of Intellectual Property
Budget Budget for project is $18 million Systems Design Project Manager, Chang Liu manages budget Material and fixed costs take majority of budget at $12 million Monthly reporting of budget, costs tracked at fifth level of WBS
Schedule Systems Design Project Manager, Chang Liu is responsible for budget Weekly status updates for schedule adjustment Schedule control: 2 Week/One month rule, stakeholder change rule Project due by August 31, 2013; needed in Fall project
Quality Goal: 90% accuracy Accuracy: Not just word for word translation Periodic tests of 100 pages of documents Constant refinement throughout project
Risk Identification: Expert Interview: Computational Linguist Risk Assessment Meeting
Risk Risk Register: 15 Risks identified Categorized Ranked Responses decided Risk owners assigned
Risk Top 3 risks Intellectual rights not protected Completion Time Translation quality not reached