Chapter 11: Remote sensing A: Acoustic remote sensing (was chapter 9) B: Geostrophic transport estimates ∫ v dx = 1/fρ 0 [ p(x 2 ) – p(x 1 ) ] and with the thermal wind relation this becomes d/dz ∫ v dx = -g/fρ 0 [ ρ(x 2 ) – ρ(x 1 ) ] Thus density profiles at the end points allow to obtain transport ∫ v dxdz. Bottom pressure gives reference layer velocity fluctuations. Here: example from MOVE array
Total geostrophic NADW transport variability
C: Satellites (and aircraft) (most figures from Summerhayes&Thorpe “Oceanography: an illustrated guide Spectrum used: visible to microwave, for microwaves have passive and active sensors
Non-scanning versus scanning
Geostationary versus orbiting
Space-time scales
SST observations
Ocean color observations
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations
SAR example
Waves and winds (scatterometer)
Altimetry After the success of SEASAT, the new planned altimetry missions were adusted to best complement the in-situ observations. Topex/Poseidon (T/P) was essentially designed for WOCE. Rationale: cm-accuracy sea-surface height geostrophic surface flow relative to geoid heat storage from large-scale steric effect variability from km, 20days-10years Challenges and limitations: geoid insufficient at <3000km aliasing of tides at 62, 173,... days aliasing of high-frequ. wind-forced variability extrapolation to ocean interior no coverage in polar (and ice-covered) regions land motion of tide gauges for SL rise
Example result: extremely active time-dependence of the circulation (barotropic, baroclinic current systems, eddy motions, etc) Quantified SSH and slope variance on all space/time scales globally (C. Wunsch) (D.Stammer)
Eddy contribution to meridional heat flux: Other results/achievements: open-ocean tides measured globally to 2-3cm surface heat-flux estimates on basin-scales from storage observation of interannual variability (ENSO, circumpolar wave, etc) kinetic energy of geostrophic currents in agreement with moorings eddy energy helped to demonstrate that models need 0.1° resolution agreement of T/P currents and ADCP data to 3-5cm/s global test of Rossby wave speeds global SL rise (calibrated with tide gauges) accurate to 0.5mm/yr transports of baroclinic current systems (variability) drove advances in earth´s gravity field drove most of the work in assimilation many more..... (D. Stammer)
Missions at: (OLD) now see seperate ppt file..... More about altimetry at: More about scatterometer at General satellite missions
Some sensor types/names: Scatterometers: NSCAT (on Japanese ADEOS), QuickScat, SeaWinds (on ADEOS-II), ASCAT. Deliver vector wind (stress), sea ice, iceberg drift. Radars: altimeter, SAR Radiometer: AVHRR (advanced very high resolution radiometer), has several IR bands, can be used to estimate absorption in atmosphere, gives SST; Also in microwave now – SMMR (scanning multi-channel microwave radiometer), passive, also yields ice cover and humidity SSM/I: special sensor microwave imager, gives only wind speed (not direction), 4 bands, precipitation CZCS: coastal zone color scanner (on Nimbus satellite), many visible channels
More neat stuff, e.g. “Iridium flares” at GRACE gravity mission
See also: And
Overview over some satellite-derived products: Altimetry: AVISO: Ocean color and SST (MODIS, SeaWIFS,...) Ocean surface currents (using wind, altimetry:) (from sequential satellite imagery:) GRACE gravimetry Satellite Data Websites:
altimetry Altimetry and ARGO Sea surface height (SSH) consists of - the steric (dynamic height H dyn ) contribution of T and S - a barotropic flow component (reference level pressure P ref ) Symbolically SSH = P ref + H dyn = SSH’ + SSH Altimetry has good spatial and temporal coverage but cannot determine - steric and non-steric components - mean SSH field (relative to geoid) - T and S contributions (spiciness) - interior structure (vertical distribution) of H dyn ARGO data can help resolve these issues
altimetry Float profiles Symbolically SSH = P ref + H dyn = SSH’ + SSH scatter is a measure for non-steric contributions (plus errors) altimetric SSH‘ vs in-situ H‘ dyn Compare SSH‘ and float H‘ dyn : large barotropic contributions at high latitudes Correlation vs latitude (from P.-Y. Le Traon)
altimetry Float profiles deep trajectories residual Symbolically SSH = P ref + H dyn = SSH’ + SSH Deep mean flow (p ref ) from float trajectories : (from R.Davis)