ADOLESCENCE: Physical and cognitive development
Physical Development
Puberty Signs of Maturation and Puberty Puberty: the period in the life cycle when sexual and reproductive maturation becomes evident.
Hormonal Changes During Puberty Pituitary gland stimulates other glands to produce estrogen and progesterone in females and testosterone in males. Biological Change and Cognitive Processes Capacity for formal operational thought
Biological Change and Social Relations More aggression in males (variable). More depression in females (variable).
Ethological Theory Belsky, Steinberg and Draper Some young mothers are responding to a pattern in human evolution that induces individuals who grow up under stressful circumstances to bear children early and often; to ensure survival.
The Adolescent Growth Spurt Rapid increase in height and weight. 12 for girls; 14 for boys Physical Growth is Asynchronous Dissimilarity in the growth rates of different parts of the body
Maturation in Girls Menarche: the first menstrual period. Onset is earlier in industrialized nations. Significance of menarche Identity as women Conflict between mother and daughter
Maturation in Boys Physical changes Additional weight and size in the form of increased muscle mass
Early or Late Maturation Boys: Late maturing feelings of inadequacy, negative self-concept and rejection Berkeley Study: feelings persist through middle age. Girls: Various psychological effects Physically: Stout physiques early Thinner physiques later
Self-Image and Appearance Weight: steady increase in the percentage of overweight children and adolescents since Stigma associated with obesity in U.S.
Health Issues in Adolescence
Nutrition and Eating Disorders Anorexia: primarily affects females who have become obsessed with looking thin and terrified of becoming fat. Obesity: many ways to define (BMI, BIA) 14% of U.S. adolescents considered significantly overweight.
Obesity Excess accumulation of body fat Body fat vs. lean body mass
Health Consequences Ill health in adulthood High blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, orthopedic disorders, gall bladder problems, breast and colon cancer and high cost health care
Obese Adolescents in the U.S. 25% How Can We Prevent or Reduce Obesity? Psychological awareness Healthy eating and exercise habits
Smoking and Chewing Tobacco PRIDE Decline in smoking since 1990 Increased risks premature death
Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Substance Abuse: the harmful use of drugs or alcohol lasting over a prolonged period, that puts self or others in hazardous situations. Chance of becoming drug addicts or alcoholics; crimes to support addictions
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV Adolescents account for 3 million cases. Use of condoms has increased. Adolescents’ mistaken sense of invulnerability HIV and AIDS AIDS: 6th leading cause of death in persons between 15 and 24.
Teenage Pregnancy Drop in rate between years in the last decade U.S. rate still higher than inother developed countries
Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Suicide attempts are alarmingly high.
Body Art and Tattooing Differentiate themselves Commemorate event Express intimacy Entertainment
Cognitive Development
Formal Operations Piaget Final and highest stage in the development of cognitive functioning from infancy to adulthood Ability to think about own thinking Ability to imagine many possibilities inherent in a situation
Adolescent Egocentricity Personal Fable Imaginary Audience
Educational Issues Effective Classroom Instruction Academic Standing and Global Comparisons Use of Computer Technology
Moral Development
The Adolescent as a Moral Philosopher Combination between postconventional moral thought and formal operations The Development of Political Thinking Increase in abstract thinking