The Beginning Exit The Middle The End
Beginning 100 What day was Valentines Day on? What is Friday
Beginning 200 What was someone sending Arthur? What is a Valentine
Beginning 300 Arthur Who did Arthur think was playing a joke on him? Who is Buster
Beginning 400 Who always teases Arthur? Who is Francine
Beginning 500 Who did Arthur want the Valentine he received be from? Who is Sue Ellen
Middle 100 On what day did Arthur find a note that said Apples, Bananas, peaches, a pear, with a face like yours youre lucky I care ? What is Wednesday
Middle 200 What treat did Arthur find in his lunchbox? A note
Middle 300 What did he want to find when he opened his lunchbox? What is Chocolate
Middle 400 Who did Arthur make a card for? Who is Sue Ellen
Middle 500 What did Buster call Arthur when all his Valentines fell out of his coat? What is lover boy
Ending 100 When Arthur got home where did he find another Valentine? What is a tree house
Ending 200 What was in the card? What is a movie ticket
Ending 300 Who is Arthurs secret admirer? Who is Francine
Ending 400 What did Francine want to give Arthur? What is a kiss
Ending 500 What did Arthur leave on his seat for Francine? What are chocolate kisses