SASS Solicitation It is essential that the individual projects funded through this solicitation work with each other as well as with other ARCSS projects as part of the ARCSS-wide synthesis effort
Workshop Objectives To share information and assess existing synthesis-focused ARCSS projects—the components and interactions studied, and expected and completed products To discuss and formulate conceptual (e.g. thematic) and/or operational (e.g. data sharing) approaches and methods for integration between individual projects, groups of projects, and broader synthesis efforts; and To define an achievable product(s) and/or goal for broader synthesis among the constellation of current synthesis projects in the near-term (e.g., 2- year) time frame.
Thursday Charge Yesterday - we focused on the big framework questions Today - concentrating on tractable, concrete synthesis products that have emerged from discussions: 1.Summer 2007: POSTER ROOM (Carter) 2.Seasonality - phases of water and precipitation, episodic weather events: ROOM Marine primary productivity + SALON C 4.Data tools for synthesis (gridded fields, etc.): ROOM The pace of change - MAYMOUNT (2nd Floor) 6.Human-Rangifer/Vegetation - SALON A/B Breakout Groups - what is your specific product and what do you need (other expertise, resources, support, beer) LUNCH at 12:30 pm (BUFFET) 1:30 pm Return to Plenary - Breakout Group reports - Make a convincing case why this is important and exciting!