Second Grade Social Living Guiding Questions
S.S. Unit 1: Aspects of a Community: Its History 1.Can students discuss who lives in the community now and who lived there in the past? 2.Can students describe how the people and the community have changed over time?
S.S. Unit 1 Continued 3.Can students describe how people changed their environment and how the environment affects the people?
S.S. Unit 2: Aspects of a Community: Its Geography 1.Can students use cardinal directions to locate places on maps and globes? 2.Can students describe the physical characteristics of the community? 3.Can students describe the human characteristics of the community?
S.S. Unit 2 Continued 4.Can students explain how the physical environment satisfies basic needs? 5.Can students describe the impact of climate on vegetation of the local community?
S.S. Unit 3: Aspects of a Community: Its Government 1.Can students explain why we need local government? 2.Can students explain who is in charge of our community? 3.Can students explain how our community is governed?
S.S. Unit 4: Aspects of a Community: Its Citizens 1.Can students explain what it means to be a good citizen at school and in the community? 2.Can students explain why we need rules?
S.S. Unit 4 Continued 3.Can students define the meaning of the term community citizen? 4.Can students explain the elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and respect for the rights and opinions of others?
S.S. Unit 5: Aspects of a Community: Its Economics 1.Can students describe basic needs and how we meet them? 2.Can students describe who provided goods and services? 3.Can students describe the roles of farmers, processors, and distributors in production and consumption?
S.S. Unit 5 Continued 4.Can students identify the bank as a local economic institution? 5.Can students identify a consumer and producer and their roles in the community? 6.Can students describe ways in which resources are used?
S.S. Unit 6: The World and Local Cultures and Customs 1.Can students describe folktales, legends, and stories of heroism that tell about history and traditions? 2.Can students explain some customs of other cultures and how they resemble ours? 3.Can students explain the meanings to our national holidays?
Science Unit 1: Properties of Matter 1.Can students select appropriate words to describe the properties of matter, including the terms rigid and bendable? 2.Can students explain what would cause a pan balance to go up on one side and down on the other?
Science Unit 1 Continued 3.Can students select the appropriate tools to measure the length of an object? 4.Can students determine and record the temperature in ◦ C and ◦ F?
Science Unit 2: Sound and Light 1.Can students explain how sounds are made? 2.Can students describe how sound travels? 3.Can students describe how light travels?
Science Unit 2 Continued 4.Can students describe the appearance of objects that let light shine through?
Science Unit 3: Basic Needs of Living Things 1.Can students distinguish and describe what makes a living thing and what makes a nonliving thing? 2.Can students articulate why food is important to living things? 3.Can students explain the functions of the major parts of a plant?
Science Unit 3 Continued 4.Can students explain the role of the Sun to living things? 5.Can students illustrate and interpret a simple food chain? 6.Can students describe a variety of life cycles?
Science Unit 4: Environment 1.Can students describe conditions within a habitat that are beneficial for living things and those that are not good for living things? 2.Can students generate examples of uncontrollable conditions and events that can happen resulting in damage to a habitat?
Science Unit 4 Continued 3.Can students explain what the term endangered animal means and cite examples?
Science Unit 5: Earth and Beyond 1.Do students understand the difference among rocks, minerals, and soil? 2.Can students identify bodies of water such as lakes, oceans, seas, and rivers?
Science Unit 5 Continued 3.Can students describe the major objects in the sky, such as the Sun, stars, and Moon, and make a comparison of their characteristics?
Science Unit 6: Weather 1.Can students identify and read the weather instruments used to measure the temperature, wind direction, and rainfall amounts? 2.Can students describe the importance and impact the Sun has on weather conditions?