The Seasons BONUS: Exit Differences Leaves can Have Fun things to do with Leaves
The Seasons 100 What season do the leaves turn red, yellow and orange? What is fall
The Seasons 200 What season is it when all of the leaves have fallen and the trees are bare? What is winter
The Seasons 300 What season is it when the leaves are green on trees? What is summer
The Seasons 400 What season is it when the wind blows and the leaves START to fall? What is fall
Differences 100 What are two different sizes leaves have? What is Big and Small
Differences 200 Name one of the colors leaves can have during any season. What is green, orange, yellow or red
Differences 300 What are two types of edges leaves can have? What is pointy and smooth
Differences 400 What kind of leaves can you eat? What are cookies
Fun 100 What do the boys do when the leaves fall? What is to catch
Fun 200 What do the boys do to the leaves with their feet? What is to stomp and kick
Fun 300 What do the boys do when they find different sizes, colors and edges of leaves? What is collecting
Fun 400 What do the boys do after they have raked the leaves into a pile? What is jumping in the leaves
Bonus 500 What do the boys make pictures of? What are leaves