1 Partner’s Meeting January 28 ~ASU Downtown Presented by: Veronica Vaughn ~ Social Marketing Manager, AzNN Objectives Present 2010 Grow A Healthy Child Campaign Preview Campaign Elements 2010 GROW A HEALTHY CHILD Micro-Campaign
2 Champions for Change 2010 Social Marketing Micro-Campaigns January – April, 2010 October – December, 2010 May – September, Year 25%
3 Main Message Be a “Champion for Change” in your family by eating meals together and doing family activities. January – April 2010
4 WHERE WE GET OUR MESSAGE? Research & Evaluation ■ Research with the target audience (800) at locations statewide (Tucson, Flagstaff, Winslow, Phoenix, Prescott, Yuma, etc.). ■ Tools: Pre & Post Tests
5 PRE-TEST Test the likeability of each campaign concept and the relevance of the message (focus group setting).
6 POST-TEST Measures awareness of the campaign and behavior change if applicable. Results compared by year and by campaign.
7 SUPPORTING MESSAGES ■ Eat meals together choose a variety of foods ■ Fun family activity ideas ■ When cooking meals, children can help ■ Include more whole grains in your meals ■ Ways to keep your child healthy
8 Communicating our Message GHC Campaign Elements – Media ■Television & Radio: Phoenix, Tucson and Yuma and cable networks ■Collateral Pieces: Door Hangers & Direct Mailers ■NEW! Shopping Cart Ads
9 -Fun Food News for Adults & Kids–New design! -Poster for Adults & Kids -Sheet of 3 Recipe Cards -Event in a Box: Preschool and Elementary School Editions - Certificates, Event Posters, New Activity Sheets - Education Reinforcement Item: Grocery Bag Communicating Our Message GHC Campaign Elements-Collateral Materials
10 Web Site Updates EatWellBeWell.org & ComeSanoViveMejor.org
11 NEW! COMMUNITY OUTREACH ( Local events & activities that are relevant ) Health Fairs & Festivals: Community, School & Media
12 Radio Spots :60 English / :60 Spanish
13 TV Spots :30 English Grow a Healthy Child Eng/Span.
14 CAMPAIGN SUMMARY Message: Be a “Champion for Change” in your family by eating meals together and doing family activities. Date: January – April, 2010 Social Mkting: TV, Radio, Collateral, Website