Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg 22-23 June 2010 1 Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea Sources and mitigation strategies.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea Sources and mitigation strategies. Dr. Dietrich Schulz Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Roßlau (Ger).

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June What is the status? – Eutrophication, hazardous substances and biodiversity Thematic assessments have been produced using HEAT, CHASE and BEAT tools and they are each complemented with a confidence assessment. Eutrophication - HEATHazardous substances - CHASE Biodiversity - BEAT

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Eutrophication: Inputs of nutrients Agriculture UWWTP Air emissions

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June The Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) 2007 (I) Background and general objectives: -Passed by the ministers for environment of the HELCOM Contracting Parties, Krakow 15/11/ To restore „good ecological status“ of the Baltic Sea till Regionalized ecosystem based approach (regional carrying capacity) according to Rio 1992 and Johannesburg Pilote project for EU marine strategy and regional UNEP programmes for marine protection.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June BSAP main chapters Nutrient input reductions (eutrophication) –Point sources Municipal waste water treatment plants Phosphate free detergents –Diffuse sources Agriculture Hazardous substances Maritime Activities Biodiversity

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June The Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) 2007 (II) BSAP-Objectives for nutrients and eutrophication (= good ecological status) Nutrient concentrations close to natural background. Clear water. Natural extent of algae blossoms. Natural occurrence and distribution of plants and animals. Natural oxygen concentration in water.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Nutrient inputs: tolerable and actual amounts ( regionalized according to the MARE NEST model) Sub-regionMaximum allowable nutrient input (tonnes/a) Inputs in (normalised by hydrological factors) Needed reductions PhosphorusNitrogenPhosphorusNitrogenPhosphor us Nitroge n Bothnian Bay2,58051,4402,58051,44000 Bothnian Sea2,46056,7902,46056,79000 Gulf of Finland4,860106,6806,860112,6802,0006,000 Baltic Proper6,750233,25019,250327,26012,50094,000 Gulf of Riga1,43078,4002,18078, Danish straits1,41030,8901,41045,890015,000 Kattegat1,57044,2601,57064,260020,000 Total21,060601,72036,310736,72015, ,00 0

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Nutrients: National reduction requirements Phosphorus (tonnes) Nitrogen (tonnes) Denmark1617,210 Estonia Finland1501,200 Germany2405,620 Latvia3002,560 Lithuania88011,750 Poland8,76062,400 Russia2,5006,970 Sweden29020,780 Transboundary Common pool 1,6603,780

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Nutrients: National reduction requirements Phosphor t/aStickstoff t/a

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Nutrient reductions. Phosphorus in Germany Gesamt P über Gewässer in die Ostsee (t/a) Danish Straits Baltic Proper BSAP: 45% Phosphoreinträge über die deutschen Zuflüsse

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Potential agricultural hot spots, thresholds. 40,000 poultry places 2,000 pig places 750 places for sows 400 animal units for cattle Other types could be considered later.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Potential agricultural hot spots (farms and areas), criteria Compliance –valid environmental/production permit. –Best Available Techniques (national, HELCOM). Manure production and application –Excess in comparison to land. –Minimize ammonia emissions (cover;spreading;incorporation). –170 kg N/ha; 25 kg P/ha. –Storage and spreading according to BAT and BEP. Pollution abatement –Storage capacity for 6 months. –Watertight floor and side walls. –Collect waste water into manure tanks.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June N- and P-mitigation potentials for agriculture, principles. Member states shall combine the most appropriate and efficient measures (taylor-made programmes). HELCOM helps by offering a list of potential measures („shopping list“). To mitigate immissions from the air the Gothenburg Protocoll (under UNECE LRTAP) shall be implemented (generally identical with the NEC-directive).

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June N- and P-mitigation in agriculture, examples Land use change from arable land into grassland. Plant cover during winter. Minimum tillage. Catch crops. Buffer strips. Efficient management of fertilizer use. Ecofarming. Agri-environment programmes. No fertilizing in high risk areas and during high risk periods. Appropriate manure storage. Biogas from manure etc. Etc.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June St. Petersburg Leningrad oblast Kaliningrad oblast Funding from European Parliament HELCOM European Commission Delegation in Russia Baltic Hazardous waste and Agricultural releases Reduction - BaltHazAR Project

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Results Inventory and analysis of potential pollution sources of hazardous substances and agricultural nutrient loading, including a risk assessment Draft plan of measures to be taken, including necessary management system Feasibility studies and investment projects (pilot projects) in Leningrad and Kaliningrad oblasts Increased institutional capacity within local, regional and federal level in the Russian Federation to implement the Baltic Sea Action Plan Input to future EU programs

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June BaltHazar Project - Agricultural Component Prioritization of farms based on: Nutrient loading potential Location (proximity to waters directly discharging to BS, soil type, elevation) Verified nutrient releases Feasibility to implement advanced agro-environmental investments Inventory and prioritisation 160 farms in Leningrad Region, Russia 30 farms in Kaliningrad Region, Russia 14 priority farms (9/5) further verified by sampling 72% of total P load to the Baltic originate from 26 largest farms

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Eutrophication, Conclusions BSAP important for environment, fishery and tourism (ecological, economical and social aspects). Methods and data base still controversial, but best available science. Reduction quota appropriate, former progress is accepted. Reduction strategies must be taylor-made for each member state. Probably no measures beyond water framework directive necessary. Bridging technological gaps; investments; farm advisory services, good agricultural practice, manure storage capacities. Establish a HELCOM Agricultural/Environmental Forum 2010.

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Our ultimate target: A Baltic Sea undisturbed by nutrients and eutrophication! Foto: Helena Larsson

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Thank you for your attention!! Dr. Dietrich Schulz

Dr. Dietrich Schulz, FEA Germany; Baltic Green Belt Conference, Kolobrzeg June Agriculture: Amended Annex III of the Helsinki Convention Addressing large agro-industrial cluster –Integrated permits for farms with intensive rearing of animals(poultry , pigs 2 000, cattle 400 au) –Simplified permit system or general rules for farms bigger than 100 a.u. Environmentally sound manure management Application rates for nutrients –nitrogen 170 kg/ha –phosphorus 25 kg/ha Identification of agricultural areas that are critical for nutrient pollution of the Baltic Sea –Designation of relevant parts of agricultural land as NVZ –Performing risk assessments of nutrient leaching from agricultural areas Establishing HELCOM Agricultural / Environmental Forum by 2010