ICT for knowledge sharing and enabling supply chain for green produce and products Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya
Structure: Context ICT Examples Knowledge Sharing Case for supply chain for green produce and products: Opportunities & Issues
ICT: Information & Communication Technologies What is it? Any technology enabling communication and providing access to information So what is this hue & cry about ICT for Development? Efforts in the direction of enabling these technologies for “rural” development are classified under “ICT4D” The have’s - have not divide Digital Divide (information haves & have not) assumed essentially Computer literacy, Is the perception correct ?
Digital Vs Knowledge Divide? Digital Divide: The understatement is that computer education holds the key. But does it solves the problem and proposed dream to take “IT to Masses” May be not, then Knowledge Divide: Coming of knowledge society and making of information a commodity. Knowledge Management is the key for business, household, agriculture, conservation and sustainability. So does peoples knowledge count?
The fundamental question: Do we actually need ICT ? Lets answer this in the perspective of the assumed issues to enable an ICT based model. So what are these issues? Issues: Connectivity Low cost Computer for Masses Sustainability Computer Education E-Governance
How does ICT really helps: Is it helping communities right now? The moot question in front of us is whether it can really help. Many models are working through out the world. We shall see some example to broaden the context… but before that we should see…. Objectively where it could be used: Information Dissemination (websites, newspaper, mass-media) Information Collection (databases, softwares, systems) Information Management (data processing, analysis, extracting) In turn allowing: Effective and quick communication Systems Management Information & Services outreach
So again…. What are the real issues? Our understanding of issues: Localised Need Connectivity Language Literacy (UI) Community Ownership (Sustainability)
SRISTI: Gyan Manthan Kendra, Gujarat The Honey Bee Network has been working for the last fifteen years documenting local knowledge and innovations of grassroots innovators and traditional knowledge experts, adding value to traditional community-based knowledge systems. Content of this slide are Copyright, SRISTI, Ahmedabad The network emphasizes that the knowledge of the people should reach them in their own language, and aims to facilitate knowledge exchange across languages, cultures and continents. Creation of an online, multi-lingual database that facilitates this process of information exchange and dissemination. Lets see some examples where we derive some learning:
Content of this slide are Copyright, MSSRF, Chennai MSSRF: Information Village Project Pondicherry Community Learning Centers Connectivity: Wireless Local Needs: Services Communication: Enabled Language: Local Examples continued…..
DRISHTEE Network for flow of Information, Services & Goods Current model based on limited offering of government services Planned model would leverage network created for government services for flow of information goods, etc VillagersVillage kiosks Aggregated requests and information Request information and services Communication Responses Documents Licenses, etc. Services Government Villagers Information, services, goods, money Government Business Information provider Customer information, money, inputs Information, labor, money, requests Content Health Education Agriculture Local, etc Aggregation of local content Content of this slide are Copyright, Drishtee, New Delhi Examples continued…..
Government Infrastructure providers Corporate operating in rural areas e-Service providers Communities/markets Government NGOs Business Delivery network Network orchestrator Village kiosk Regional hub Agro- business Finance Consumer products Information, services, money, goods? Hardware, software, connectivity Policy, funding schemes Policy, funding e- Governance initiatives Information services New business services Examples continued….. …delivery network at the core of stakeholders Content of this slide are Copyright, Drishtee, New Delhi
How can community benefit from ICT Perceived Need Vs Existing Scope Scope Networking “Community Networks” Visibility - for information sharing, marketing, investment Dissemination Documentation Information Management Systems Management - Knowledge Management System, Decision Support System, Management Information System Services Delivery (in & out) - E-Commerce, E-Governance, Market Information, Supply Chain
Road Blocks? The major ones are: Technical & others Language Content (Documentation) Sharing (Affordability) Accessibility (Connectivity, Literacy /UI - Hardware & software) Policy & systems: Laws/system not supporting openness in information sharing Technology bound in legal framework, restricting usage Administration not ready to decentralise
How to over come the blocks? Freedom of Knowledge Sharing - Internet - WWW Development of inexpensive technology: Collaboration Freedom of propagation of technology Building localised solutions - Local Language support Developing localised content Increase accessibility - Bandwidth & UI Peoples computer Enable existing systems Network networks Advocacy at policy level to change laws restricting usage of technology and enabling information sharing
Knowledge Sharing: Best Practices New Technology Forecasting Feedback and advice Market Information
Consider few cases.…in context of opportunities that exists and major issues ITC e-chaupals Netherlands Flower market Margin Free Markets Case for supply chain for green produce and products: Opportunities & Issues
Opportunities: Largest Public Distribution System in the world Largest Procurement system Single largest buyer of agri produce Issue: Huge losses in operations & distribution Growing demand for Green/organic produce More opportunities in export/ more active players More credit/insurance availability Issue: Non existent sustained supply from industry perspective (quality being major issue) and non existent demand from producers perspective (no channel to access good market) Other issues lack of technology usage So called outreach of agri-culture labs weaning out Lack of management & technical support to the sector Lack of farm management support to farmers to balance between cash crops & regular crops - e.g. medicinal plant sector Supply chain opportunities & issues:
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