Overcoming The Challenges Together Fred Brisbois Director, Aviation & Product Safety Sikorsky Aircraft REDUCING THE ACCIDENT RATE AHS Forum 63 May 3, 2007
INDUSTRY CHALLENGE Reduce the helicopter worldwide accident rate by 80 percent in the next ten years Improve the safety image of all helicopters worldwide
Year Ending Rotorcraft Accidents Per 100,000 hours HELICOPTER SAFETY Civil rotorcraft accidents Source: U.S. Civil Rotorcraft Accidents, 1963 Through 1997, NASA/TM , USAAMCOM-TR-00-A-006, December 2000; Helicopter Association International, Safety Statistics
HELICOPTER SAFETY Comparison to other aviation sectors
FUNDAMENTAL CHALLENGES Same for helicopters as fixed wing Cost (Procurement, Operations, Insurance) Reliability Infrastructure Supportability Perception GOOD RISK MANAGEMENT IS KEY FACTOR IN ADDRESSING ALL THESE CHALLENGES
SPECIFIC CHALLENGES Not necessarily the same for helicopters as airplanes Increased versatility of helicopters requires diverse actions to address challenges vs.
CHALLENGES Making resources availability to ALL operators Building infrastructure for all operators Incorporating new technology into aircraft – old and new Aging aircraft Spectrum and usage changes Human factors WE NEED TO CAPITILIZE ON COMMON RESOURCES TO LEVERAGE SOLUTIONS
HUMAN FACTORS The toughest challenge, but the most important The Dirty Dozen: - Complacency - Fatigue - Lack of Assertiveness - Lack of Communication - Lack of Awareness - Distraction - Lack of Knowledge - Norms vs. Procedures - Lack of Resources - Stress - Lack of Teamwork - External/Internal Pressure
SOLUTIONS Must address entire product life cycle Prevent Aircraft Mishaps And Injury To Personnel Throughout The Life Cycle Of Our Products. DesignTest Manufacture Assembly Maintenance Refurbishment TrainingInspection Operation Disposal
SOLUTIONS Must be data driven Know what you know Know what you don’t know Studies must generate ‘actionable’ information Plans must be executable
SOLUTIONS Require understanding the operating environment
SOLUTIONS Essential to motivate entire industry Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) Operators Maintainers Clients WE NEED TO CREATE THE ‘PULL’ TO MAKE THE ‘PUSH’ EASIER
Analysis Of Data and Definition Of Mishap Causes Evaluation Of Technical Mishap Prevention Systems - Current and Future - Develop Program Plans and Strategy For Implementation - Future and Retrofit - Implement Incorporate Systems To Mitigate Mishap Causes Mitigation Of Mishap Causes Prevents Mishaps Continued Leadership In Setting Industry Safety Standard Validate Technical Solution vs. Cause Maximize Suppliers and Benefit / Cost Regulatory Agency Mandates OEMS - DRIVE SAFETY TECHNOLOGY Sikorsky’s Model – Similar to IHST Process
RAISING THE STANDARDS Baseline incorporation of existing technologies EGPWS Flaw Tolerant Design HUMS STRATFORD, Conn., May 28, Sikorsky Aircraft established another rotorcraft industry first by standardizing its new S-76 and S-92 helicopter safety baseline to include Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems (EGPWS) in all civil aircraft configurations.
FLEET MANAGEMENT Safety considerations – create the ‘Pull’ Emphasize Safety as a leading value Mandate safety requirements for operators Latest safety technology on aircraft Latest survivability equipment Demand intensive safety management programs Risk management process Intensive crew and maintenance training Management’s involvement in safety program Utilize external safety evaluations Support participation in professional forums SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ARE ESSENTIAL
OEM’s ACTIVELY SUPPORTING IHST Sikorsky strongly supports and is committed to the International Helicopter Safety Team’s goal of reducing accidents by 80% in 10 years Joint Helicopter Safety Analysis Team (JHSAT) Executive Committee Joint Helicopter Safety Implementation Team (JHSIT) International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST) Secretariat
CONCERN Level of audience RISK Low High Decrease Concern Increase Concern Decrease Risk MOTIVATING RISK MITIGATION
HELICOPTER INDUSTRY ALL of us are the benefactors of improving safety Support the International Helicopter Safety Team’s objective to reduce accidents by 80% over the next 10 years
Together we can save lives by preventing accidents