European GNSS Supervisory Authority Galileo: Application domains and research activities Stefano Scarda European GNSS Supervisory Authority
2 Galileo Overall Schedule Development and ValidationDeploymentOperations and Maintenance 1.2 Billion € Public 220 Million € per year Private 2 Test Satellite & 4 Operational Satellites Ground Infrastructure 2.2 Billion € 1/3 Public, 2/3 Private 26 Satellites Ground Infrastructure Joint UndertakingGALILEO Concessionaire / Supervisory AuthorityEC/ESA Routine Operations and Replenishment 48 months24 months20 years
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 3 The Galileo differentiators Under a regulated entity (Galileo Supervisory Autority) To preserve the public interests In a commercial PPP scheme To develop the GNSS market and implement contractual schemes Technical advatage High performance – possible signal encryption and authentication Integrity To monitor the system performance –to verify GOC contractual obligations Transparency, auditability and record of past performance To provide service guarantee and quality of service
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 4 GALILEO application overview Liability Critical Road tolling and charging (city access) Insurance “pay per use” Surveys for public interest (cadastre, agriculture parcels, energy distribution networks, environment protection) Time-stamping for e-commerce transactions Dangerous goods and high valuable goods transportation Support to Customs, Traceability and quality of food (Protected Geographical Indication, cold chain) Tracking and tracing for regulated activities
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 5 Overall value-added chain USER Components Receivers Navigation Systems Navigation Systems Platform Service Providers Service Providers Communication Providers Communication Providers Information Contents Information Contents e.g. car, plane or mobile phone e.g. avionics, In-car systems Hand-held or for integration e.g. chipsets, antennas e.g. maps, traffic informations e.g. mobile telephony or satellite communications e.g. ATM, fleet management, road charging services SERVICES PRODUCTS
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 6 Overall budget for the development phase The development of the 4 first Satellites and Ground segment (i.e. infrastructure) Budget: 1’500 M€ The development of the User segment Budget: 110 M€ at EU level (6 th FP) + 7 th FP + national budgets and regional budgets The development of the USER SEGMENT is of paramount importance for the success of Galileo: GOC Chipset Antennas Product Equipment Value added services Signal operatorComponent segment System integration segment Service provider segment 1 B€ ~30 B€ Revenues: 0.4 B€~50 B€ Annual figures for 2015
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 7 EC 7 th FP st Call activities (18.9 M€) 2 nd Call activities (66.9 M€)* preparation GALILEO ConcessionaireConcession process 3 rd Call activities (10 M€) calls Galileo Research and Development activities FP6 Overall Plan * + additional budget 13.7M€
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 8 FP6 Activities (I) Applications Applications and Services development based on EGNOS integrity in the 1 st call Development of GNSS (EGNOS+Galileo) services and applications in several major user communities: All major transport domains LBS Scientific and Professional domains Agriculture … Mission Standardisation Activities complementing GalileoSat: Time and Geodesy Service Provision SAR MEOLUT development Activities related to frequency Definition and evolution of the mission
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 9 FP6 Activities (II) Receivers Development of tools and first receiver prototype Development of commercially oriented receivers through parallel contracts Mass market receiver Professional receiver Safety of Life receiver Local Elements Development of the LE Building Blocks Development of “application and service oriented” local elements in the 2 nd call (in line with the different user communities requirements)
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 10 Current Galileo User Segment R&D activities GJU has launched more than 60 projects (including SMEs) dedicated to the development of the User Segment for an overall budget of 170 M€ (110M€ financed by GJU) More than 300 companies (including a large number of SME’s) are now involved in the Galileo R&D activities financed by the GJU 280 equivalent full-time persons are continuously working in these projects
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 11 Innovation by SMEs Galileo 2nd call have provided two platforms for SME involvement Includes dedicated, sharply focused activities of smaller scope specifically targeted to SMEs Special attention to the involvement of SMEs in the other R&D activities Provides activity context for innovation Receivers, local elements, applications, prospective research Addresses technology development, demonstration and prospective studies Encourages technology transfer, innovative services and transnational co-operation and networking
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 12 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Introduction to 7th FP - Galileo Sub-theme 7.3 : Galileo Four research & development activity areas have been identified by the European Commission and the EU Presidency for Galileo: 1. Exploiting the full potential 2. Preparing the tools and creating the appropriate environment 3. Adapting receivers to requirements and upgrading core technologies 4. Supporting infrastructure evolution
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 13 European GNSS Supervisory Authority I. Exploiting the Full Potential 1. Mass market applications 2. Professional applications 3. Scientific applications 4. Safety-of-life applications 5. Timing and synchronization applications 6. Governmental applications 7. New and innovative application and services 8. Search and Rescue applications 9. Regulated applications Promoting growth in the use of the services Freight transport management applications including freight and hazardous materials transportations Exploitation of by-product services Demonstrating the benefits and efficiencies of satellite navigation
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 14 European GNSS Supervisory Authority II. Providing the Tools and Creating the Appropriate Environment Research Areas 1. Tools 2. Certification and Standardization Ensuring safe and secure use of services by all Member States, mainly through certification in key application domains Preparing and confirming the adequacy of services to new policies and legislation, including their implementation Addressing public regulated services according to the approved policy of access; Developing essential digital topology, cartography, geodesy data and systems for use in navigation applications addressing safety and security needs and requirements
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 15 European GNSS Supervisory Authority III. Adapting Receivers to Requirements and Upgrading Core Technologies Research Areas 1. Receivers 2. Customised user terminal 3. Local elements Improving receiver performances Integrating low-power consumption and miniturisation technolgies Completing in-door navigation coverage Coupling with radio frequency identification devices Exploiting software receiver technology Combining with other functions as telecommunications Supporting key navigation ground-based infrastructure technology to ensure robustness and flexibility
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 16 European GNSS Supervisory Authority IV. Supporting Infrastructure Evolution Research Areas 1. User need and mission evolution 2. Space and ground segment evolution 3. International and awareness Preparing second generation system Adapting to evolving user demands and market forecasts Taking advantage of infrastructure internationalization to address global markets and developing world-wide standards
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 17 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Development Principles of the 7th FP (1) The 7th FP activities will undergo full coordination with ESA and other European R&D programmes to ensure complementarity and cross-fertilization The final framework of the coordination of the R&D activities between ESA and the Supervisory Authority is yet to be established. However, it is understood that ESA’s R&D programme will have the major objectives of ensuring The competiveness of the industry of its Member States in GNSS space & ground technologies, The technological autonomy of Europe to support the competitive evolution of the European GNSS infrastructure
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 18 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Development Principles of the 7th FP (2) The Supervisory Authority will focus in the 7th FP on downstream applications and receivers to foster the marketing of the services and revenue generation of the European GNSS the development, trial runs and new applications of the signals in space, to meet new user demand that will improve the business case, the development and test of new technology of the next generation of the system to improve overall cost efficiency, the development of the market, including support to innovation centres and networks, to certification of services and applications and to demonstrations.
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 19 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Core Objectives for the Galileo 7th FP The 7th FP shall be used to drive and boost the exploration of new domains of GNSS applications to foster the European dimension of Galileo by ensuring a very broad participation of European industry in the innovation process All Member States are invited to Motivate entrepreneurs and innovators to bid for the 7th FP; Set up national programmes linked to the 7th FP, focused on local and regional applications or on differentiating factors; Seek the support of the Supervisory Authority to overcome barriers of entry
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 20 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Galileo - 7th FP Schedule Establishment of a Strategic Roadmap – end 2006 Coordination with ESA System Evolution Programme in 4Q06 Definition and selection of R&D activity items for the 1 st Call in 4Q06 Preparation of Tender Package for the 1 st Call in 1Q/2Q07 Release of 1 st Call by end 2Q07/3Q07
European GNSS Supervisory Authority 21 European GNSS Supervisory Authority Thank you for your attention. For further information: