Cooperative Learning in the eMINTS Classroom May 24, 2006
Purpose of Module This module addresses cooperative- learning strategies, specifically the social and group-processing skills teachers can use to help students succeed.
Module Objectives Learners will become aware of cooperative-learning strategies that have been successful in eMINTS classrooms Learners will understand why cooperative learning is instrumental in teaching students to work on group technology projects that require higher-order thinking skills Learners will develop a sense of what cooperative- learning structures are and will learn several successful structures Learners will identify several cooperative-learning structures to include in their own classroom and plan ways to use these structures
Essential Question How can students work effectively in groups?
Overview of Cooperative Learning Elements
Co-Op Learning Elements Positive Interdependence Individual Accountablity Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction Group Processing Face-to-Face Interaction
Jigsaw Activity
Objections The World is Competitive High-Achieving Students will be Dragged Down It is Difficult to Manage Cooperative Learning Bad Past Experiences Too Much Cooperative Learning
Creating Student Teams
Cooperative Grouping Cards
Establishing Positive Interdependence /links/cooperativelearning.shtml
Structuring Positive Interdependence
Cooperative Learning Structure Think-Pair-Share
Group Interaction Identifying a Skill and Developing a Plan
Assessment with Cooperative Learning
Implementing Cooperative Learning
Reflection on Technology & Cooperative Learning
Essential Question How can students work effectively in groups?