Specialized Instruction What does the special education teacher bring to the general education classroom? Individual Student Learning Characteristics / Strategies Identify information processing deficit(s): visual, auditory, memory, attention, motor, language for SWD students Identify specific strategies that address deficit areas develop an Individual Learning Plan for each SWD in the class Analyze error patterns, monitor progress, adjust Individual Learning Plan as needed Effective Strategies For All Modeling Listening, Talking, Questioning, Summarizing Organizing for Learning Reciprocal Teaching Reviewing / Reteaching Kansas Learning Strategies: Content Enhancement, Routines Marzano’s Essential 9 Strategies Universal Design “Access without extraordinary means” 3 goals - provide students with multiple means of: Representation, Engagement, Expression Technology as a tool: Text - font, highlighting, word prediction, etc.; software; use of the internet to provide visualizations for complex concepts; using WebQuest or other inquiry based websites; introducing online inquiry tools Scaffolding A temporary support to bridge what a learner can do to what is needed to achieve success on a specific task (a sequence of prompts or peer support to facilitate learning): Incremental Additional support for at-risk, special ed., and ELL students Continuous assessment Guidelines: Identify prior knowledge Begin with what student can do Help achieve success quickly Know when it is time to pull back supports Help establish independence Assessment “The more frequent the assessment, the more responsive & effective the instruction” Special Education Teachers must provide frequent assessments for SWD to inform instruction: assist in developing/implementing multiple assessments assist in developing rubrics assist in developing authentic assessments & tasks assist in portfolio assessment In addition use methods such as Task Analysis, Curriculum Based Assessment and Progress Monitoring to document progress on IEP goals/objectives Previewing / Acceleration Important concepts: Understanding By Design, Effective Strategies, Scaffolding Who – student below grade level who needs support to be successful What – preview of concepts, skills, vocabulary – NOT remediation When – prior to unit introduction; see where they have been/know where they are going Where – general ed. environment How – consider instructional time and grouping students in the classroom: Challenge: to provide direct instruction on deficits as well as preview / acceleration activities CCSD Special Education, September 2007 Differentiated Instruction Special Education Teachers must help to develop and implement differentiated instruction when co-teaching: Content – address IEP goals, teach to the standards, address individual learning needs Process – assist in presentation of content, facilitate use of flexible learning groups/co- teaching models, use of effective instructional strategies Product – assist in developing/implementing multiple assessments, rubrics, authentic assessments & tasks, portfolio assessment, tiered assignments Environment – assist in developing a risk-free environment, behavior management strategies, & systems of support