The CALLA Handbook – Chapter 2 The Content-Based Curriculum in CALLA Dr. Ellen de Kanter University of St. Thomas Instructional Strategies for the Content Area in ESL BIED 5336
Why Teach Content? Knowledge Base Subject-area concepts and relationships provide a foundation for learning grade-level information in important subjects. Procedures Students can practice skills and processes needed in the content area. Motivation Content is more motivating than language alone. Learning Strategies Content provides a context for learning and applying learning strategies.
How to Select Content Content Teachers Ask content teachers to help select high priority topics and skills for the grade level. Curriculum Study curriculum frameworks to see how topics selected are sequenced and reentered over several grades. Textbooks Read my schools adopted textbooks for different subjects—for this grade level plus lower and higher grades. Curriculum Analysis Identify major components for each content topic. Student Interests Allow students to select some content topics for in-depth study.
How to Teach Content Activities Provide hands-on and cooperative experiences. Prior Knowledge Start by linking the lesson topic to student prior knowledge. Technical Vocabulary Teach and have students use technical vocabulary appropriate to the content subject. Learning Styles Address different student learning styles: use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means.
How to Teach Content Overviews Follow a general overview of the lesson or unit with new information in chunks; include active practice. Questioning Show students how to ask and answer high-level questions about content. Teacher Monitoring Monitor students comprehension on an on-going basis. Student Monitoring Teach students how to “know when they don’t know”—and what action to take.
How to Teach Content Graphic organizers Show students how to use graphic organizers to identify prior knowledge, prepare study guides, and restructure prior knowledge. Resources Provide books, articles, and other resources on content topics; teach students how to use them. Learning Strategies Provide explicit instruction on learning strategies for understanding, remembering, and using content.
The CALLA Handbook – Chapter 2 The Content-Based Curriculum in CALLA Dr. Ellen de Kanter University of St. Thomas Instructional Strategies for the Content Area in ESL BIED 5336