Transport for Canberra
1.Setting the scene 2.Public transport 3.Active travel 4.Roads, Parking, Freight and Fleet 5.Measuring our progress 6.How to have your say
1. Setting the scene
The case for changing how we travel Rising transport emissions Growing congestion An ageing population Declining physical activity The need to balance transport investments
Transport for Canberra goals The draft Transport for Canberra policy aims to create a transport system that is: – Integrated with land use planning – Makes active travel (walking and cycling) the easy way to get around – Provides sustainable travel options and reduces transport emissions – Is safe for moving people – Is accessible for everybody – Is efficient and cost effective
2. Public transport
The Frequent Network The Frequent Network of 15 minutes or better connections will guide transport and land use planning. This is the backbone of the public transport network, and the Rapid lines are the location for future mass transit like light rail. Investments in supportive infrastructure are already underway – e.g. Park and ride, bike and ride, bus priority, and a light rail options study for Northbourne Avenue.
Coverage services and accessibility Transport disadvantage mapping for Canberra highlights areas of high social need for transport, and relatively low supply. “Minimum coverage standards” will help make sure everyone can access public transport. Minimum wait time targets for 2013 and 2016 will make connections to and from the Frequent Network faster and more convenient, and reduce travel times.
3. Active travel
Transport and physical activity Active travel means using physical activity—such as walking, cycling and scooting—to get around. Transport for Canberra will: – extend the network of community paths, segregated cycleways, shared spaces and paths and on-road cycle lanes—and improve signage and safety – encourage more people to live, work and play within their local community – work with the community to promote active transport, particularly in schools and workplaces, through promotion, programs and infrastructure – create better walking and cycling connections to bus stops, Bike and Ride facilities, and local destinations like group and local centres.
4. Roads, parking, fleet and freight
Priority for public transport on Rapid spines is supported by orbital road options for trucks and cars. A safer transport system minimises the risk of crashes through smart traffic management systems, traveller information and safer transport infrastructure with a focus on people. Strategically managing parking demand will encourage sustainable transport choices while ensuring equity and efficiency in supply. We can reduce emissions from road transport through more efficient vehicles and infrastructure. Managing travel demand
Strategic Parking Framework demand management not demand satisfaction
5. Measuring our progress
Annual transport report card Transport for Canberra proposes an annual report card to measure our progress in: – Travel to work by public transport, walking, cycling – Sustainable travel for all trips – Accessibility of the transport system – Cost effectiveness of the transport system – Transport network performance – Transport safety – Integration with land use – Transport emissions
How to have your say...
:::: WhatWhereWhen Comment on Transport for CanberraOnline or face to faceFriday 7 October 2011 to Friday 11 November 2011 Public exhibition1st Floor of the Legislative AssemblyUntil Monday 31 October 2011, then touring at ACT public libraries Public sessions with planners1st Floor of the Legislative AssemblySaturday 29 October –3pm and Monday 31 October –1.30pm and 5.30–7.30pm Online discussion 7 October 2011 to Friday 11 November 2011 Submissions or write to: Transport for Canberra Submissions Transport Planning, ESDD GPO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601 Friday 7 October 2011 to Friday 11 November 2011