Information versus Inspiration: Mind the Gap Matthew Borg & Deborah Harrop
Before today, what has been your experience of using a library? = (Interactive tools, 2007) + Year 1 Undergrad
Eureka momentTranspennine train moment - Use of college, school & public libraries. - Emphasis on books & to a lesser extent, IT facilities Opportunity: limited experience of libraries Facilitating the opportunity - Inspire ourselves, inspire academics, inspire students
Us and them: bridging the gap Learning taxonomy, not information taxonomy - Information is a mechanism, not the outcome - Be learner focused, not inwardly focused on our goals - Take a holistic approach and place learning in context Information professional LearnerAcademic Inspiration SCONUL seven pillars (SCONUL, 2007)
Tailor skills to the curriculum 3 year curriculum - Develop objectives for course, module and session - Must learn something new every year Talk the talk, walk the walk - Market yourself to academic staff, develop the brand Outcomes - Series of sessions on ‘Skills for Science’ module - Identify specific info needs; for example, Forensic Scientists undertake law module - Retention strategy - Involved in course planning
Be inspiration literate Present centred learning - Enquiry based for example, actually research assignments - Avoid ‘perfect’ searches; it does not promote learner autonomy Assessment - Interactive tools provide formative feedback - Achievable short terms goals & progression How do they think? - Don't deliver what they don't need - Auditory, visual, kinaesthetic - Associate material to existing knowledge
Inspiring feedback Inspire audience to provide feedback Get it quick Stop, start, continue Use feedback to inspire yourself Tackle everyone (Xollob58, 2008)
Peering Crucial to feedback is working with colleagues Reflection rather than review Share knowledge and practice Self-evaluation (Fensterbme, 2008)
Just say ‘no’; but suggest an alternative and better session Use the ‘L’ word (that’s learning not libraries) Multipurpose icebreaker that forms an activity, but also provides trainer with data Provide incomplete handouts Speak quietly; “of crucial importance…” Use verbal/visual association Focussed feedback – be specific Don't oversimplify your skills Top tips
What next? We were inspired Inspire information as a mechanism – not an outcome Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue Inspire by marketing Inspiring feedback Co-teaching Measure
References ANDRETTA, S. (2004). Information literacy: a practitioners guide. Oxford, Chandos. FENSTERBME (2008). Columbus Flickr Meet Group Photo. [online image]. Last accessed 28 February at: INTERACTIVE TOOLS (2008). Post it notes. [online image]. Last accessed 1 March at: REECE, I. and WALKER, S. (2006). Teaching, training and learning. London, Business Education Publishers. SCONUL (2007). SCONUL seven pillars of information literacy. [online image]. Last accessed 2 February at: /sp/model.html. XOLLOBO58 (2007). Traffic Lights in Germany. [online image]. Last accessed 5 March at: