The Beginning The Middle The End 100 100 100 200 200 200 300 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 500 Exit Stephanie Duplago
How did the mother rock her baby? Beginning 100 How did the mother rock her baby? What is back and forth?
What did she do while she rocked her baby? Beginning 200 What did she do while she rocked her baby? What is sing?
What did the boy pull off the shelves? Beginning 400 What did the boy pull off the shelves? What are books?
What did he pull out of the refrigerator? Beginning 300 What did he pull out of the refrigerator? What is all the food?
What did the boy flush down the toilet? Beginning 500 What did the boy flush down the toilet? What is his mother’s watch?
What did the 9 year old boy do when his grandmother came over? Middle 100 What did the 9 year old boy do when his grandmother came over? What is say bad words?
What is rock him and sing? Middle 200 What would the mother do while her 9 year son was sleeping? What is rock him and sing?
What is a grown-up man? Middle 400 The teenager grew until he was what? What is a grown-up man?
When the boy grew up where did he move? Middle 300 When the boy grew up where did he move? Where is across town?
What is drive across town? Middle 500 What would the mother do on dark nights? What is drive across town?
What is rock him and sing? Ending 100 What would the mother do if her adult son was sleeping? What is rock him and sing?
What is because she was sick? Ending 200 Why did the mother call her son one day? What is because she was sick?
What did the mother try to do when her son came over? Ending 300 What did the mother try to do when her son came over? What is sing?
What is rock her and sing to her? Ending 400 What did the son do to his sick mother? What is rock her and sing to her?
Who did the son sing to when he got home? Local 500 Who did the son sing to when he got home? Who is his new baby daughter?
I’ll like you for always, The End. I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.