ItempointItempoint Skip the class for no reason Each class -10VolunteerEach time +1 Be late for classEach class -5Best writerEach time +10 Be late for handing in assignment Each day, each one -10 Best commentator Each time +5 Good team work Each team member +3 The regulations
The best writer: Abo Linsey A Ra
Read p.97 & p.99~p.100
Each team member take turns to finish the vocabulary. The fastest, the winner.
1.No gestures. 2.Speak English only. 3.Stand up then say. 4.You only have 2 mins to guess. 5.Don’t mention the word which is shown up. 6.You can get 1 point for 1 correct answer.
P.104~P.111 Writing skill handout: Peer-editing
Read “NYC Subway Etiquette” and “Subway Etiquette and Safety: From Straphangers to Pole Huggers”. Choose one of them to write your comment. Make a word list. The comment should be 150 words at least. Stamp the handout,your comment, and word list together. Hand in it on 4/22