CSCE 1040 Computer Science 2 First Day
Course Dr. Ryan Garlick Office: Research Park F201 B –Inside the Computer Science department office Grader TBA –Please address grading questions to the grader
Research Park Shuttle
Free Parking at Research Park Park and ride the shuttle to main campus
Engineering Glad you chose an Engineering major We need more engineers / fewer lawyers
Labs No Lab component like CS1 More in-class programming assignments General access lab in B129 1 st floor –Open early to late –No specific help in 1040 Help Lab in F205 2 nd floor RP –TAs here to help with programming –Your Lab TA has hours here
Exams / Homework 2 Midterms and a Final Exam Some quizzes in class –Some announced, some not Homework assignments Final is comprehensive
Textbook Order online and save some $ Keep your Small Java (CS1) book for reference
Drops Only you can drop a class You are NOT automatically dropped for –Non-attendance –Failing a test –etc. It is your responsibility to check drop dates 7 th and later drop from any Texas public school becomes an F. Come speak to me if you are having trouble
Course comments It is easy to fall behind in this class Attend lecture – stay current on the material No extra credit assignments will be given Please don’t anticipate some huge end of semester curve If you do not attend class, you will not do well
Course comments Some outside exploration is required Google “Java…” I will go out of my way to help you if you are trying. If you don’t study or care, I don’t either.
Course Material Start with Arrays OOP Concepts Algorithms Try to make class more real-world –Pros –Cons NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS
Course Material Not always a clear path from point A to point B. You will have to find solutions to problems on your own Sometimes frustrating If you enjoy solving problems you are in the right place
Don’t be This Guy What do I have to get on the final to get a D? Hey, someone left their program on a lab computer – saves me some time! I missed last Tuesday – why don’t you fill me in on what I missed I am going to miss Thursday – are we doing anything important? Please sign your s and don’t use txt msg spk, I rly h8 it lol
Cheating Cheating is a big problem in this class All assignments are individual work – you should write your own programs. Copying someone else’s lab or programming homework will result in an F for the semester. It happens every semester
Cheating What is OK? “Hey, I am stuck on figuring out how to implement xyz” Discussing strategies, algorithms, and techniques is always OK.
Cheating What is NOT OK? Any time you electronically copy someone’s program Typing someone’s program in from a printout –It does not matter how much you modify their program If you do this, you will receive an F. If you allow someone to copy your work, you get an F also.
Cheating MOSS (Measure of Software Similarity) is anti-plagiarism software. It is used between all classes and all previous semesters. Don’t be the person who tests it this semester.
For Next Time Brush up on Java from last semester – Chapter 1 We will start with arrays. Download the JDK and Netbeans – –You need Java SE (Standard Edition) and Netbeans