help talk play think say do go feel ing -er-es -s-ing suffixes -ful-ed What words can we build from these bases and suffixes?
teach play fix -er-es -s heal -ing heel do Basessuffixes un- re- prefixes
help + ful →helpful helpful
help prefixes un- -ly -s -ed suffixes -ful -ing -ness un + help + ful + ness →unhelpfulness
un know ing ledgeable prefixes un- -ly -s -n suffixes -ing - ledge -able What words can we build?
known know + n → known knowing unknown knowingly knowledge knowledgeable unknowingly un + know + ing + ly → unknowingly un know n ingly Analyze words from the family.
Some “Big Ideas” (Essential Knowledge & Skills) addressed in this lesson Spelling makes sense and is primarily about meaning. Words with connections in meaning often have connections in spelling that we can investigate. The pronunciation of prefixes and suffixes can shift across words, but their representation in spelling is consistent to mark connections in meaning. Words that sound the same but are not connected in meaning have different spellings where possible (homophone principle). We don’t spell words with single letters, but with graphemes and morphemes. We announce these structural units orally and in writing in word sums. Graphemes are one, or two- or three-letter teams that represent a single phonemes.