Let’s Talk Policy Amy Borgstrom Associate Director for Policy AmeriCorps State and National Amy Borgstrom Associate Director for Policy AmeriCorps State and National
Desired Outcomes Know about policy activities of the past year Understand what’s new in 2007 Notice Provide input concerning current policies under consideration Suggest new policies that should be developed Know about policy activities of the past year Understand what’s new in 2007 Notice Provide input concerning current policies under consideration Suggest new policies that should be developed
Policy Main Entry: 1pol·i·cy Pronunciation: 'pä-l&-sE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -cies Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English policie government, policy, from Middle French, government, regulation, from Late Latin politia 1 a : prudence or wisdom in the management of affairs b : management or procedure based primarily on material interest 2 a : a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions b : a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body. Philosophically speaking… Main Entry: 1pol·i·cy Pronunciation: 'pä-l&-sE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -cies Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English policie government, policy, from Middle French, government, regulation, from Late Latin politia 1 a : prudence or wisdom in the management of affairs b : management or procedure based primarily on material interest 2 a : a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions b : a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body. Philosophically speaking…
Some purposes of policy Predictability Transparency Customer service Burden reduction Predictability Transparency Customer service Burden reduction
Policy development New Policy 100 –Improved CNCS-wide policy clearance –Faster response as policy needs occur Program Policy Council Test drive: Extenuating Circumstances New Policy 100 –Improved CNCS-wide policy clearance –Faster response as policy needs occur Program Policy Council Test drive: Extenuating Circumstances
2007 Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity Highlights $88,000 for new and recompetes January 25 deadline for State, February 15 for National Mid May notification PLAIN LANGUAGE Emphasis on strategic initiatives 15% new, role of formula clarified Cost per MSY remains the same Cost per MSY for EAPs increases to $600 Cost per MSY for new and recompeting Professional Corps increases to $2,500 Minimum living allowance $11,100, maximum $22,200 $88,000 for new and recompetes January 25 deadline for State, February 15 for National Mid May notification PLAIN LANGUAGE Emphasis on strategic initiatives 15% new, role of formula clarified Cost per MSY remains the same Cost per MSY for EAPs increases to $600 Cost per MSY for new and recompeting Professional Corps increases to $2,500 Minimum living allowance $11,100, maximum $22,200
Policy systems Communications Center
AmeriCorps Policy Help Web based Help Keyword searchable, indexed –Regulations –Provisions –Online archive of Q&A, legal opinions, and policy documents issued by AmeriCorps since 1994 Web based Help Keyword searchable, indexed –Regulations –Provisions –Online archive of Q&A, legal opinions, and policy documents issued by AmeriCorps since 1994
Looking forward to 2007 Burden reduction One year funding Rulemaking 2 Burden reduction One year funding Rulemaking 2
Policy To-Do’s Deobligation of slots Application fees Concurrent terms Refill Slot conversion On call hours Deobligation of slots Application fees Concurrent terms Refill Slot conversion On call hours
Let Your Voice Be Heard Generate as many opinions as possible: Policy To Do’s (10 minutes) Generate as many ideas for new policies that need to be developed (10 minutes) Generate Top 3 Policy Priorities (10 minutes) Report out (15 minutes) Generate as many opinions as possible: Policy To Do’s (10 minutes) Generate as many ideas for new policies that need to be developed (10 minutes) Generate Top 3 Policy Priorities (10 minutes) Report out (15 minutes)
What do YOU think? Deobligation of slots Application fees Concurrent terms Refill Slot conversion On call hours Deobligation of slots Application fees Concurrent terms Refill Slot conversion On call hours
What do YOU think? What other NEW policies should be developed?
What do YOU think? What are your Top 3 Policy Priorities for the coming year? What are your Top 3 Policy Priorities for the coming year?
Desired Outcomes Know about policy activities of the past year Understand what’s new in 2007 Notice Provide input concerning current policies under consideration Suggest new policies that should be developed Know about policy activities of the past year Understand what’s new in 2007 Notice Provide input concerning current policies under consideration Suggest new policies that should be developed
Let’s Talk Policy Amy Borgstrom Associate Director for Policy AmeriCorps State and National Amy Borgstrom Associate Director for Policy AmeriCorps State and National