General Government Questions Exit Branches of Government Local government Willoughby Local Governmen t Police & Fire
General 100 What is a group of people who run a community? Goverment
General 200 What are community rules that everyone must follow called? Laws
General 300 What do citizens do to choose their leaders? Vote
General 400 Who are the people who live in a community? citizens
General 500 What are 2 things a government needs to work on? Power and authority
Branches 100 How many branches of government work together? Three
Branches 200 Which branch of government MAKES the laws? Legislative Branch
Branches 300 Which branch of government makes sure people FOLLOW the laws? Executive Branch Executive Branch
Branches 400 Which branch of government explains what the laws mean? Judicial Branch
Branches 500 What the leaders of each of the executive branches of government called? Mayor, Governor, President
Local 100 What is an example of what is provided by your local government: takes away garbage, fixes roads, keeps you safe, builds libraries, runs buses? Services of local government
Local 200 What are 3 kinds of local government? Township, county, and town Township, county, and town
Local 300 In what building will you find the mayor? City Hall
Local 400 In what building will you find the judge? Courthouse
Local 500 From whom does local government get its money and what is that money called? What is Citizens pay taxes
Willoughby 100 Who is Willoughby s Mayor? Who is Mayor David Anderson
Willoughby 200 What is the name of the group of people who help the mayor with things the city needs or help write the laws? What is City Council
Willoughby 300 Who is Willoughbys Municipal Court Judge? Who is Judge Larry Allen
Willoughby 400 In what county is the city of Willoughby? Lake
Willoughby 500 What are the names of the elected people who run our school district? Who is The School Board and Superintendent, Dr. Keith Miller Who is The School Board and Superintendent, Dr. Keith Miller
Police & Fire 100 What does the Willoughby Fire Department provide for the homes of its citizens? Free installation and check of smoke detectors
Police & Fire 200 About how much do the clothes and equipment of the fire fighters weigh? What is 50 pounds
Police & Fire 300 What safety program does the police department have for preschoolers? What is Safety Town
Police & Fire 400 What safety program do the Police have for third graders? What is the Safety Belt Program
Police & Fire 500 What do the letters of D.A.R.E. stand for? What is Drug Abuse Resistance Education