The Beginning Exit The Middle The End
Beginning 100 What is the dogs name? What is Oscar.
Beginning 200 How long was Oscar? What is one-and- a-half dogs long.
Beginning 300 Why was Oscar made fun of? What is his shape and size Why was Oscar made fun of? What is his shape and size Why was Oscar made fun of? What is his shape and size.
Beginning 400 What did Oscars mom call him when he left for school? What is Vienna Sausage.
Beginning 500 How many dog friends does he have? What is 4.
Middle 100 What kind of school does he go to? What is obedience school.
Middle 200 What was Oscar thinking about in class? What is Halloween.
Middle 300 What costume did Oscars mom make him? What is a hot-dog bun.
Middle 400 What did the others do when they saw Oscar in his costume? What is laughing.
Middle 500 How many treats were left for Oscar? What is none.
Ending 100 Where did they pass on the way home? What is the graveyard.
Ending 200 What scared the dogs? What is a monster.
Ending 300 Who came to the rescue? Who is Oscar.
Ending 400 Who was the monster? Who are cats.
Local 500 What is Oscars new nickname? What is Hero Sandwich.