In Arabic it means “foot of the Centaur. Al fe sun tur e Pronunciation Also called Rigel Kentaurus
4.3 light years away. Alpha Centauri is 4.35 light-years from the Sunlight-years
It is rated number 3 on the brightness scale.
Its a Main Sequence star (G2 V Spectral Class). Yellow/Orange.
About the size of the sun. Diameter of the sun = 1,391,000 kilometers
The absolute visible magnitude Mv = +4.4 Alpha Centauri Sun 40% brighter than the sun.
Its never in sky view. Its located in the constellation Centaurus, also known as the Centaur. As you pass the Equator you see it from time to time ellation_pages/centaurus.htm
Alpha Centauri is primarily hydrogen, some helium & traces of other heavier elements.
"Metamorphosis" (1967), episode of Star Trek: The Original SeriesMetamorphosisStar Trek: The Original Series
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