The Bean Trees Barbara Kingsolver
Biography of Barbara Kingsolver Born in 1955 in Kentucky Earned degrees at DePauw University and the University of Arizona Visited many places when she started writing Spent two decades in Tucson, Arizona Has two daughters and lives with her husband
Kingsolver wrote many books, some of them are: -The Bean Trees (1988) -Homeland (1989) -Animal Dreams (1990) -Another America (1992) -Pigs in Heaven (1993) -High Tide in Tucson (1995) -The Poisonwood Bible (1998) -Small Wonder (2002) -The Lacuna (2009).
The Guatemalan Civil War ( )
Timeline -1966: The war begins. The country was under autocratic ruling. The long conflict was marked by abductions, violence, and public dumping of bodies : Military gets more control over civilians : Reports are released saying that there were millions of missing people -1994: Peace talks between the rebels and government began. Agreements started to be signed : New president finalizes peace negotiations in December. War stops.
Reason for the war: the dictatorship's disrespect for the human and civil rights of the majority of the population
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By the end of the war, 200,000 Mayan citizens were found dead.