An Inn-Side Look at Farm Stays and Bed & Breakfasts Presented by Dee Fegan, Innkeeper
TOPICS: So - you want to be an innkeeper? The Mandatory Business Set-up Who can help you get started? Will they come? Innkeeping: the good, the bad, the ugly - what’s it really like? Q&A An Inn-Side Look...
So - you want to be an innkeeper? Questions to ask yourself: Do you like people? What’s your energy level? How do you feel about serving others? How persistent are you? Hands-on? How accepting are you?
So -(really), you want to be an innkeeper? Continued... How flexible are you? Are you a business person? How do you handle conflict? Do you have a sense of humor? You pass the test - Now what?
The Mandatory Business Set-up Federal Level (IRS): What type of business? (LLC, S-corp, Sole prop,Corp) State Level: Sales Tax Fictitious Name Occupancy Permit (universal code?) Employees?
The Mandatory Business Set-up Local Level: County Room Tax Local Zoning Occupancy Permit Other Considerations: Food Service? Insurance
Who can help? National level: Professional Association of Innkeepers International (PAII) Yearly Conference (March 30-April 3, 2009 in Atlanta, GA) Newsletter Discussion Group Resource for information
Who can help? State Level: PA Tourism & Lodging Association (PTLA) State lobbyist for the tourism industry “The ABCs of B&Bs” Unique Lodging Committee/State B&B Association and
Who can help? SCORE (business plan/business help) Local Chamber of Commerce County Economic Development Office Small Business Administration County Extension Office Other Innkeepers
Will they Come? Marketing - do it early - at least 6 months before you open your doors! Website - a ‘must have’!!!!! B&B online guidebooks: Local B&B Association
Will they come? Marketing Continued... Local Chamber of Commerce Local/Regional Visitors Bureau State Tourism Office PA Dept of Agriculture Downtown Merchants Association Rackcard/brochure/business card Get involved!
Resources PAII - PTLA - Cumberland Valley B&B Association “So, You Want To Be An Innkeeper” “Yellow Brick Road” HACC business incubation center or your local Community College
The Good - The Bad - The Ugly The Good: The Good: the guests; being your own boss; stay at home; being creative. The Bad: another The Bad: the guests; being your own boss; being stuck at home; not yet another project! The Ugly: The Ugly: the guests; being your spouse’s boss; I’m sick of being stuck in this house; that project turned-out so ugly!
Questions? THANK YOU!