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1 l Overview of project 2 l McKinsey 7-S Analysis 3 l Verified Key-Problem-Statements 4 l Recommendations -Contents
- 1. Overview of project 1.1 l Brief Information of target organization What is KJSE ? KJSE : Korea Japan Student Exchange Student activity club for student exchange between Korea and Japan
- 1. Overview of project 1.1 l Brief Information of target organization 사진사진사진
- 1. Overview of project 1.2 l Purpose of project > To apply the McKinsey 7-S Model to KJSE. > To help KJSE to avoid the problems observed now and in the future by Setting Objective of the group Spreading Shared-value Improving Compensation & Information System.
- 1. Overview of project 1.3 l Method for conducting case analysis Step 1 : Non-valuing analysis of the case according to the 7-Smodel Step 2 : Define of three major problem clusters Step 3 : Explain why the three problem are in our opinion and restructure that system Step 4 : develop recommendations
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.1 l Strategy The operational plans KJSE focused on main events held annually JanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDec - Recruiting - Orientation - Daily HOF - Summer Activity - Discussion - Summer Activity -Picnic - Summer Activity -MT - Discussion - Home Coming day - Evaluation of attendance - MT
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.1 l Strategy KJSE's mission To improve mutual understanding Between both Korean and Japanese students Through cultural exchange KJSE's vission not clearly stated. (contributing to the friendliness between two countries)
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.1 l Strategy - The mission, vision, and operation plan are not in organic relationship - Lack of specific strategic objectives Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure KJSE member formed with 1 president, 2 vice-presidents and about 25 general members The president and vice-presidents discuss & decide about main issues of KJSE highly centralized organization !
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure General members are divided into several departments The allocation of general members to these departments is decided by general members themselves focuses on member’s motivation rather than ability Member Allocation Choose what you want~ Div
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure Member Allocation : in Summer Special Activity Summer Activity is the biggest annual activity of KJSE On June to August, general members are separated from their department and form ‘summer activity teams’ After the summer event, general members go back to their original department. A kind of Task Force What department members used to be doesn’t ha ve any influence on forming teams But !
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure The relationship between senior and junior is very strict. Since juniors have to show high respect to seniors, juniors are just tight with themselves not with seniors. KJSE is somewhat separated by juniors group and seniors group Member Relationship
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure KJWA? : Korea Japan Women Association KJWA partly participates in KJSE’s decision making process and receive regular report from KJSE about their activity KJSE gets regular fund from KJWA as a sponsorship every year Upper Organization KJSE is boosted by a government department, ”KJWA” KJSE is supported stably by a kind of NGO, KJWA
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.2 l Structure - KJSE is somewhat separated by juniors group and seniors group - KJSE is supported stably by a KJWA Points! - Allocate member by motivation rather than ability - Member’s division and attributes are not considered in forming ’Taskforce’ - Highly centralized organization
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.3 l Systems - Merely, writer’s personal feeling about the event. Rather than the information about the process. - The report writers are randomly allocated Event Preparing person and report writer could be different. Information System They accumulate the information by just ‘Report’ - Some Official reports are only accessible for the president and not digitalized. A clear information system was not clearly visible
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.3 l Systems The level of performance is not considered through the evaluating process At the end of the year, Calculate the attendance score of each member and Reduce the amount of bonus supported by KJWA for whom gets low score Evaluation System Only just Penalty System. The group’s penalty system is based on the attendance.
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.3 l Systems - Only Penalty system which of evaluating base is just only attendance - A clear information system was not clearly visible Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.4 l Style -Centralized decision making -Merely describing & persuading -Leader believe there was no conflict in his term now “members who have doubts and questions seem to understand the council's decision after he explains background information and situations” About Top Leader - The quite a stubborn leader Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.5 l Shared Values - Responsibility, cooperation, commitment, and openness Main Shared Values - KJSE's president recognizes that members are not fully aware of shared value. - Inspire by only informal addressing of a president. Top priority : Responsibility. - Lack of recognizing responsibility! But no special training session and opportunity to enhance responsibility Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.6 l Skills Stable exchange agreement with JKSE(twin org.) and Accumulated experience from their long history Stable funding KJSE have stable fund for their student activity From KJWA. About \ 2M! Steady Exchange to Japan - Stable Funding and Exchange could be competitive advantage. Points!
- 2. McKinsey 7-S analysis 2.7 l Staffing Annual recruiting at begging of spring semester Don’t have any training program for new members about club's history, vision Recruiting Training Program - Needed for training program which can inspire new members Points!
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.1 l In Broad Context, Why we focus on the following problem? Spotted Three Problem Criterias. 1. KJSE’s strategic components is ambiguous.2. Shared-values are not fully understood and shared among their members 3. Lack of Organization management brings about inefficiency to overall organization. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.1 l In Broad Context, Why we focus on the following problem? Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.2 l Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Lack of specific mission, vision and strategic objectives Cause… Members of KJSE can’t recognize why they’re doing such hard duties 1. Members can’t check whether they’re doing right for KJSE’s objectives 2. Ex. Member confuse essential purpose of ‘Summer Event’
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.3 l Statement 2 :Difficulties in Sharing Common Values KJS E Our Shared-values are Responsibility, cooperation, commitment, and openness ! Responsibility is most required ! No formal training course to strengthen understanding of responsibility 1. Insufficient communication between junior and senior members 2. Inappropriate staffing could also cause the lack of shared value 3. But… T_T
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Spotted Three Problem Criterias. Statement 2 : Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Statement 1 : Loss of Direction Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.4 l Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System 1. No compensation system Just only penalizing, 2. No assessment based on performance Just check if they are present or not on regular meeting Not enough motivation & inspiration. Also not enough motivation & inspiration
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 3.4 l Statement 3 : Lack of Organized System 3. Some operational Information is reported only for presidential group Same mistake occur in preparing regular event annually because of lack of process information 4. No training session Low efficiency Not any opportunities for members to enhance in terms of required skills among their activity. Low efficiency & feeling of achievement
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Our Recommendations. Recommendation 2 for Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Recommendation 1 for Loss of Direction Recommendation 3 for Lack of Organized System How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Our Recommendations. Recommendation 2 for Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Recommendation 1 for Loss of Direction Recommendation 3 for Lack of Organized System How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 Make or change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 1.Make Specific & Clear Vision for KJSE. To improve mutual understanding between Korean and Japanese students through cultural exchange Mission (existing) Members of KJSE obtain deeper understanding Of Japanese culture after working in KJSE Vision (New!)
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 Make or change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 2. Develop new strategic objectives 1. Hold Writing Test & The average score of the test held in Dec should be increased by 20% - The test is held regularly and annually - Twice in a year, April and December. Score of December should be increased comparing to April - Score over 90 would be considered as successful accomplishment
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 Make or change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 2. Develop new strategic objectives 2. Carry out Five event With Japanese student at least 5 times - At least 5 times in a year. - They will carry out the activities such as seminars & discussion with Japanese students. - The issue should be related with Japan society.
- 4. Recommendations 4.1 l Statement 1 Make or change whole Vision, strategic objective and Operational Plan. 3. Design Concrete Operational Plan To improve mutual understanding between K Writing Test
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Our Recommendations. Recommendation 2 for Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Recommendation 1 for Loss of Direction Recommendation 3 for Lack of Organized System How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.2 l Statement 2 Will put the summarized recommendation from our report (in a same nuance)
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Our Recommendations. Recommendation 2 for Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Recommendation 1 for Loss of Direction Recommendation 3 for Lack of Organized System How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.3 l Statement 3 Will put the summarized recommendation from our report (in a same nuance)
- 3. Verified Key-Problem-Statements Our Recommendations. Recommendation 2 for Difficulties in Sharing Common Values Recommendation 1 for Loss of Direction Recommendation 3 for Lack of Organized System How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE
- 4. Recommendations 4.4 l How do they help to solve the general problems of KJSE Will put the summarized recommendation from our report (in a same nuance)