CSC 313 – Advanced Programming Topics
Design Pattern Intent Each design pattern is a tool Like all tools, have reason for being
Each design pattern is a tool Like all most tools, have reason for being Explains when & where to use pattern Tool used improperly is sad Ryan Seacrest is truly depressed Programmer’s goal is to match need to pattern Coding is simple when used properly More importantly, life just sucks when you don’t Design Pattern Intent
Strategy Pattern Intent Makes family of algorithms interchangable Avoid duplicating code across classes & projects Allows to change algorithm dynamically Fairly straightforward to implement Set of behaviors (strategies) implementing interface Context has field of the interface type Performs action by calling method on field
Observer Pattern Intent What is the intent of observer pattern?
Observer Pattern Intent Efficiently perform 1-to-many communication Easy notification of Observers when event occurs Can also use to break mutual dependency UML class diagram cycles split and managed Dirty, ugly, incredibly useful hack
Registering an Observer Efficiently perform 1-to-many communication Subject adds & removes Observers as needed Adding is simple Events also simple, call Observers’ update method Removing not so simple, but not very hard either Requires some means of holding Observers Array * ArrayList or LinkedList HashMap
Registering an Observer
Getting the Word Out Calling Observers’ update methods is simple Good ways of passing data is difficult Bad to rely on simple parameters for method Updating parameters requires changing all code Can use strategy pattern to supply information Yay! Keeps our classes independent of each other
Good, bad, & ugly Efficiently perform 1-to-many communication Strategy pattern defines functionality But observer pattern only for communication Observers & subject independent of each other Subject & strategy semi-independent of other Observer & strategies entirely inter-dependent Observer must know Strategy’s algorithm
Push vs. Pull So far discussed pattern’s push model Subject pushes data onto the Observers At all times, must keep Observer prepared Much harder to change code & what happens Could instead use pattern’s pull model Subject provides an instance to the Observers To get data, Observers call instance’s methods Extend instance’s class to provide additional data But, Observers using original methods still work
Problems with Pull Model Pull model also has its problems Adds many method calls to get access to data Can cause problems in multi-threaded systems Interfere with other design patterns, if also used These problems are both easier & harder Only with later concept from CSC330 & CSC313 But these issues cannot be easily avoided… …and very serious on large real-world systems
Other Observer Gotchas Observer only needs some of the events Still performs 1-to-many communication Subject cannot filter events for each Observer But easier to add another Observer to filter Subject has multiple sets of events to observe Could choose to rely on single Observer interface Java AWT/Swing libraries use this approach Multiple Observer interfaces each with 1 event Simpler, but less efficient if multiple events wanted
For Next Lecture Read pages 70 – 74 in book What is the Observable object in Java? How would one use it? Why would anyone write it that way?