Computer Science
Why Computer Science? Care about science? Many applications - physics, biology, more Foundational questions about knowledge Care about science? Many applications - physics, biology, more Foundational questions about knowledge
Why Computer Science? Care about others? Teach secondary education Help bridge the digital divide Opportunities endless - TelecenterTelecenter Care about others? Teach secondary education Help bridge the digital divide Opportunities endless - TelecenterTelecenter
Why Computer Science? Care about making a living? Salaries are doing well - salaries surgesalaries surge Care about making a living? Salaries are doing well - salaries surgesalaries surge
What Computer Science Studies Focuses on the potential uses for computer systems Roots of computer technology Theoretical Mathematical Scientific Focuses on the potential uses for computer systems Roots of computer technology Theoretical Mathematical Scientific
Myriad of Career Opportunities Entry-level programming Software testing Project management Software development Systems analysis Education Research Entry-level programming Software testing Project management Software development Systems analysis Education Research
Listen to some computer scientists Pathways in Computer Science Pathways in Computer Science Pathways in Computer Science Pathways in Computer Science
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