1. THE BIBLE Reading, Reflecting, Jotting
2. Observation/writing/dictating Chaucerian: noticing, recording billboards, tee-shirts, bumper stickers, hospital visits
3. The Arts: Cinema
The Arts Continued... B. The Novel B. The Novel 1. The Bear (Faulkner) 1. The Bear (Faulkner) 2. The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner) 2. The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner) 3. The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway) 3. The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway) 4. The Winter of our Discontent (Steinbeck) 4. The Winter of our Discontent (Steinbeck) 5. Sister Carrie (Dreiser) 5. Sister Carrie (Dreiser) 6. Catcher in the Rye (Salinger) 6. Catcher in the Rye (Salinger)
The Novel continued The Heart of Darkness (Conrad) 7. The Heart of Darkness (Conrad) 8. Lord of the Flies (Golding) 8. Lord of the Flies (Golding) 9. The Stranger (Camus) 9. The Stranger (Camus)
C. Television Programs/Series
Web Resources
D. Poetry
E. Drama As “Long Day’s Journey into Night,” “Broadway Bound,” “The Night of the Iguana,” Shakespeare
F. Music
4. Biography Missionaries, ministers, lay leaders, political figures, other exceptional people
5. The Field of Homiletics Books on Preaching Books on Preaching Books of sermons Books of sermons Preaching Conferences Preaching Conferences Journals Journals Boreham, Barclay Boreham, Barclay Illustration books/ books of stories, short stories Illustration books/ books of stories, short stories Websites on Preaching (Textweek, Protestanhour, Vanderbilt Divinity) Websites on Preaching (Textweek, Protestanhour, Vanderbilt Divinity)
6. And... Guideposts Guideposts Soup Books Soup Books Bumper Stickers/ tee shirts Bumper Stickers/ tee shirts Your suggestions... Your suggestions...