Welcome to Central Middle School! Team 5-2 Mrs. Hecht Mrs. Radake
Let’s Jump into the Fifth Grade! May we introduce ourselves? Mrs. Hecht Rm 119 / Math, Social Studies hechtj@capetigers.com Mrs. Radake Rm 116/ Comm. Arts, Science radakea@capetigers.com
Attendance and punctuality are a must for academic success!! School Hours Our School Day begins at 8:15am. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin learning. Four tardies= after school detention. Faculty Supervision / Breakfast is available starting at 7:40 AM Teachers pick students up from designated areas at 8:00 AM Dismissal = 3:15 PM Attendance and punctuality are a must for academic success!!
Communication Newsletters Monday Graded Work Folders Student Planners Postcards Email Telephone
How to help your child be successful? Help your child develop a routine for homework – same time, same place – make it a date! Concerns? See your classroom teacher – we want to make CMS a wonderful place for your child. Ask questions? Read handouts and review weekly folders and newsletters. Be involved!
Homework Policy You can expect to see 20-30 minutes of homework daily. Missing Assignments Procedure 10% off & Parent contact in planner for each missing assignment After the 3rd missing/late assignment in each subject area the student will have a referral sent to the office. Homework is assigned as a way to review or reinforce concepts that were covered in class. If your child has excessive homework – they may not be using their time in class effectively!
Homework Continued… Students will have ONE day for each absence to make up work. Absentee work will be ready for students first thing in the morning upon their return. If you would like to pick up missing work – please call the office by 9:00 am. and we will have all work together for you in the office by 3:30pm. It is important for the parents to be involved with your child’s daily work.
Homework Incentives 100% of homework completed on time each month….. Free ice cream coupon to be used at lunch.
Student Planners Sign it and return each day. Your child will have an agenda book that they will record daily objectives and assignments. It is their responsibility to copy the correct information from the homework board. Please check this book NIGHTLY!!! Sign it and return each day.
Self-Selected Reading Students will be given the STAR test at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Students will receive goals that will be met by AR Quizzes on the computer. We will have approximately 30 minutes of silent, self-selected reading daily.
Staying out of trouble with Team 5-2!
PBS Positive Behavior Support Safe Responsible Respectful Minor vs Major Tiger Bands Cash or Bank every other Thursday Rewards PAWS
Classroom Rewards! PAWS Class Reward Parties for points earned for great class behavior. Positive encouragement
What to Do on the First Day of School Eat breakfast Go to the gym Find your teacher’s name on the wall Sit at the front of your line Wait patiently until your teacher comes to pick you up Take a breath and relax… it will be a GREAT Day!
Reminders For Tonight Please leave all textbooks and folders on top of your desks See your teacher to sign up early for conferences in October
Questions? Comments? Feel free to check out your classroom! Let’s Have a FANTASTIC Year! Thanks for joining us at Back 2 School Night! Questions? Comments? Feel free to check out your classroom!