This equipment was donated by Thompsons solicitors Greening the Workplace: The Role of Trade Unions Tuesday 23 rd October 2007
The Role of Unions and TUSDAC in Greening the Workplace Penny Morley T&G section of Unite & Chair of TUSDAC working level group Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007
Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Established by John Prescott in 1998 Co-chaired by Paul Noon Prospect General Secretary & Environment Minister Meets three times a year Working group meets regularly to press forward action for the group Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007
Terms of reference – to have a direct trade union input with government on sustainable development and other related environmental issues Provide a trade union perspective on employment consequences of climate change Help mobilise the trade union movement to become involved in sustainability issues and take action on environmental practice in the workplace Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007 Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee
Education and training the trainers Course pack created –trialled with reps and trainers Individual unions and TUC training T&G national and regional courses Representatives on outside bodies ie Sustainable Education panel Legal rights for time off for environmental training Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007 Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee
Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007 Worked with The Carbon Trust which was launched in 2001 – trade union representation on board – funding for conferences, education pack and co-ordinator Trade Union secondee to DEFRA for Greening the Workplace publication Conferences – Greening the Workplace, World Environment Day, Energy, Climate change bill TUC co-ordinating role for TUSDAC– seeking to extend number of unions that participate in TUSDAC
Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007 Energy – security of supply, clean coal technology, renewables, green manufacturing, carbon capture, nuclear and microgeneration, skills training and liberal market Unions different membership different views but TUSDAC acts to co-ordinate and reflect the range of views. Individual unions will always promote specific policy issues but co-ordinated view often adds political weight to areas of joint interest.
Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Need for action in a range of areas – grass roots and policy implementation Trade unions as organisations & TUC focus on Green Leaders – Prospect new building Union modernisation project – funding for more activity & support for workplaces Co-ordination for trade union facilities managers Communications with activists and members – Web sites, Journals, Booklets, Posters Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007
Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Links with European projects – bid for project funding Climate Change & Employment EU project UK participated in ETUC study on the challenge for employment of the transition towards a lower carbon European economy by 2030 Links with International trade unions Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007
Trade Unions & Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Putting Green Manufacturing on the agenda Linking renewables with green manufacturing Denmark and Germany – looking to their progress in renewable manufacture and production to press for UK action Challenging the liberal market as the solution to energy policy decisions Skills and training – in any transition to a low carbon economy Putting workers and workplaces on the agenda rather than the endless focus on the consumer Institute of Employment Rights Greening the Workplace Tuesday 23 rd October 2007