Konungariket Sverige (Kingdom of Sweden) Juneall Lane 4 th Hour December 16, 2002
Sweden, Europe
People Population – 8,813,000 Language- Swedish Religion- 95% Lutheran
Climate Mostly windy Cold winters and pleasant summers Average temperature in February is below freezing Average temperature in July is 56°F – 71°F
Agriculture 7% of land is cultivated Products Produced- wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, rye, and sugar beets Livestock- cattle, hogs, sheep, chicken, and roosters
Traditional Foods Eat- fish, smoked eel, roast beef boiled potatoes, and cheese Ceremonial Foods- salted salmon, roasted lamb, and Swedish meatballs
Manufactured Products Exports- vehicles, chemicals, iron ore, machinery, paper, wood products, and steel Imports- coal, food products, and petroleum
Tourist Attractions Stockholm Narke National Museum Orebro Castle The Royal Palace Annaboda Kaknas Tower Holland Skrea Strand Orebro Castle
I recommend Sweden as a good country to visit because of the beautiful scenery and because there are many attractions for people of all ages to visit.
Source s People and Places World Almanac Book of Facts /RefArticle.aspx?refid= /RefArticle.aspx?refid=