INNOVATION BENCHMARKING Assoc. prof. STEFAN HRISTOV, PhD University of National and World Economy Department “National and Regional Security”
INTRODUCTION Innovation benchmarking is used for comparative analysis in the innovation area. It serves for investigation of good world practices and improvement of the national systems for scientific research, incl. Bulgarian defence industry needs.
INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS RDI - R&D cost index RDI - R&D cost index INI - innovativeness index INI - innovativeness index BSI - business sophistication index BSI - business sophistication index TRI - technological readiness index TRI - technological readiness index HTI - higher education and training index HTI - higher education and training index ISI - information society index ISI - information society index GCI - global competitiveness index GCI - global competitiveness index SDI - sustainable development index SDI - sustainable development index
INNOVATION LEADERS Ind.Innovation Leader in ЕU Innovation Leader in CEE BG countryscorecountryscore RDIFinland5.90Estonia INIGermany5.89Czech Republic BSIGermany6.26Czech Republic TRISweden6.01Estonia HTIFinland6.23Estonia ISISweden5.93Estonia GCIFinland5.76Estonia SDIFinland6.23Slovenia
INNOVATION DEVIATION Ind.ЕU27ЕU10BG average score deviation from EU27 deviation from EU10 RDI INI BSI TRI HTI ISI GCI SDI
CONCEPTUAL MODEL Y = f (X) Y - values of the response variable; Х - values of the predictor variable; f - function; GCI, SDI, INI, TRI, BSI, HTI, ISI - response variables RDI - predictor variable
FACTOR MODELS GCI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 88.2% F C (187.20) F T (7.77) SDI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 81.3% F C (108.97) F T (7.77)
FACTOR MODELS INI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 89.9% F C (221.80) F T (7.77) TRI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 60.6% F C (38.44) F T (7.77)
FACTOR MODELS BSI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 79.7% F C (97.94) F T (7.77) HTI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 78.3% F C (90.13) F T (7.77)
FACTOR MODELS ISI = RDI Correlation Coefficient r = Coefficient of Determination R 2 = 47.6% F C (22.70) F T (7.77)
The defence industry transformation of Bulgaria requires conducting of various market-orientated, production, organizational, technological, product, marketing and other innovations. However, it requires considerable improvement of the innovation climate in our country, on one hand, and significant increase in budget and business expenditure for R&D as well. CONCLUSION