MALARIA Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium.
Four species of Plasmodium can produce the disease in its various forms: Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium malaria
The map indicates current distribution of indigenous malaria according to WHO
The mosquito is always the vector, and is always of the genus Anopheles. Out of the 380 species, only 60 can transmit malaria
In the US, the CDC makes sure that malaria does not become established in the US.
In the world, the WHO is in charge of controlling the spread of malaria.
P. falciparum As much as 90% of the deaths associated with malaria; it is the most dangerous of the Plasmodia to contract!
Life Cycle of Plasmodium /student_view0/c hapter24/malaria__life_cycle_of_plasmodiu m.htmlhttp://glencoe.mcgraw- /student_view0/c hapter24/malaria__life_cycle_of_plasmodiu m.html
alaria-in-the-21st- century/841f8d3e56608ab f8d3e56 608ab ?q=malaria%20video&FOR M=VIRE7http:// alaria-in-the-21st- century/841f8d3e56608ab f8d3e56 608ab ?q=malaria%20video&FOR M=VIRE7