Professional Development Plans PSCQ
NQS- Quality Area 4 Staffing Arrangements 4.2 Educators, coordinators and staff have the skills and knowledge to support children’s learning, health, safety and wellbeing The performance of educators, coordinators and staff is evaluated and individual development plans are in place to support performance improvement.
Who is currently using Professional Development Plans (PDP)?
Does anyone find the process challenging?
What makes it challenging for you?
Does anyone find it easy?
What plans or processes are services currently using?
Is anyone willing to share their experience with PDP?
Using checklists Staff Appraisals/Performance Appraisals often used checklists to measure quality, however do these critically investigate their views on theory and how these may or may not be realised in practice? Staff Appraisals/Performance Appraisals often used checklists to measure quality, however do these critically investigate their views on theory and how these may or may not be realised in practice?
Using checklists Whilst some points in a checklist may be reflective of theoretical perspectives, it is not always evident or clear what our beliefs, professional identity and theoretical influences/perspectives are. Whilst some points in a checklist may be reflective of theoretical perspectives, it is not always evident or clear what our beliefs, professional identity and theoretical influences/perspectives are.
Using checklists Quite often checklist type appraisals would be used to point out negative aspects of staff’s performance. Quite often checklist type appraisals would be used to point out negative aspects of staff’s performance. Quite often appraisals carried out by mentor/person in charge, with some or no input from participants. Quite often appraisals carried out by mentor/person in charge, with some or no input from participants.
Professional Development Plans (PDP), what are they? 2.Present Experiences affiliations, professional conversations 3. Personal Reflection Professional beliefs, values and influences Personal Portfolios 4. Critical Reflection with mentor, Early childhood professional, peer support group 5. Develop Action Plan in collaboration with mentor 1. Past Experiences PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN
PDP and Position Descriptions It is important when considering using a PDP that it is reflective of the position descriptions used in the service. It is important when considering using a PDP that it is reflective of the position descriptions used in the service.
Steps to PDP- Past Experiences What qualifications and training do individual staff currently have?
Steps to PDP- Present Experiences What do staff engage in to support their work and development. eg. affiliations professional organisations professional organisations professional conversations professional conversations
Steps to PDP- Personal Reflection Why reflect? Form of learning and thinking. Form of learning and thinking. To gather information about individual professional beliefs, values and influences to understand what to develop further. To gather information about individual professional beliefs, values and influences to understand what to develop further. Reassess changes in values and beliefs. Reassess changes in values and beliefs.
Steps to PDP- Personal Reflection What to reflect on… Philosophical relationship to early childhood development Philosophical relationship to early childhood development Day-to-day work with children and families Day-to-day work with children and families Own teaching and learning styles Own teaching and learning styles Multidimensional approach to viewing child development (as reflected in EYLF-Early Childhood Pedagogy) Multidimensional approach to viewing child development (as reflected in EYLF-Early Childhood Pedagogy) Critically investigate if theory is evident in practice Critically investigate if theory is evident in practice
Steps to PDP- Personal Reflection and Portfolios Personal Portfolios provide the opportunity to compile recorded records of practice and review: Planning Planning Implementation Implementation Evaluation Evaluation Personal Portfolios include: Self-reflection Self-reflection Conversations Conversations Samples of work Samples of work Documented teaching Documented teaching
Steps to PDP- Critical Reflection with Mentor A mentor may include a critical colleague, early childhood professional or a peer support group. Why critically reflect with a mentor? Your thinking may be confirmed or challenged Your thinking may be confirmed or challenged Provide support throughout assessment and active engagement Provide support throughout assessment and active engagement Validate practical work Validate practical work Connect theory with daily work Connect theory with daily work
Steps to PDP- Develop Action Plan Where do individuals or the organisation want to head in the future? Where do individuals or the organisation want to head in the future? Is there a shared vision or goals? Is there a shared vision or goals? What training, coaching, relationships or affiliations will be required to change or improve practice? What training, coaching, relationships or affiliations will be required to change or improve practice? What is the timeline? What is the timeline? Who will facilitate the required support to fulfil identified visions or goals? Who will facilitate the required support to fulfil identified visions or goals?
Resources Brown, R., Deans, J., Nolan, A., Raban, B., Ure, C. & Waniganayake, M. (2007) Building Capacity: Strategic Professional Development for Early Childhood Practitioners. Sydney:Thomson Social Science Press (Available through Early Childhood Australia website)