Welcome to First Grade’s Back to School Night Miss Raymond
First Grade Goals To create a positive self image To promote good manners To develop good work habits/organization To develop a love for reading and literature To be problem solvers and enjoy math challenges
Language Arts Literacy Reading strategies Guided reading Small and large group instruction Centers Word Study (spelling) Grouping after 5 weeks Poetry
Social Studies Map skills Transportation Famous people
Science Air and Weather Organisms Solids and Liquids
Everyday Math Addition Subtraction Graphs Comparing Money Time Problem Solving Students learn through: whole group instruction, games, slates, rocket math, reinforcement of skill throughout units **Beginning/Developing/Secure Skills
Conferences October and March Please sign up for your conference time before you leave
Report Cards November February April June
Specialists Please refer to our class schedule on website Reminders: sneakers, library books
Special Projects Family Turkey (November) Child of the Week (January) Day 100 Project (February)
Discipline Refer to Class Rules and Consequences
Homework Check HW sheet daily and initial when complete/Keep in Sharon School folder at all times! Practice Word Study/ High Frequency words daily for test on Friday Read each day with your child Math Home Link (workbook) M-Th Study and memorize math addition and subtraction facts (website)
Lunch and Snack Send in a healthy snack each day for our morning break If your child is buying lunch, please have money in a zip-lock bag or envelope with your child’s name on it Weekly tickets may be purchased (contact the cafeteria for prices)
General Information Please send in a written excuse when returning from an absence Dress appropriately for the weather: children will be going outside, weather permitting Please leave at home all toys, jewelry, or things that are distracting to children Any changes in transportation require a signed note from the parent
General Information Cont. Please refer to the PTA directory to mail all party invitations Birthday Celebrations – me to set up a date if you wish to purchase a snack –Contact the cafeteria to choose a b-day treat –The cafeteria will contact me to set up a time
Lets Work Together…Parents are Teachers, too! Praise frequently Compliment children Help children accept positive criticism Give children responsibility and goals Let them know we are on their side Unpack/pack up are their responsibility