Welcome to First Grade Miss Novorro Room
My Background Childhood-attended elementary, middle and high school in Scotch Plains Education-Montclair State University. Graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Family and Child Studies concentrating in Elementary Education Third year teaching first grade at West End
Contact Information Notes Voice Mail (908) Ext 7747
L.E.A.P (Learning Equally and Peacefully) Rules! Rules! Rules! **Sign Homework Journal daily
We Will Be Learning Many Wonderful Things this Year We will cover all of the subjects and topics that our state and school district believe are important for your child to learn during first grade. We will be using several programs this year to address the Common Core State Standards. *Play video*
Curriculum Writing Program: Good Habits Great Readers Skills Taught: Handwriting Organization Ideas/Content Grammar Word Choice/Vocabulary Sentence Fluency Math Program: Everyday Math Spiral approach Hands-on learning Games Explorations Differentiated Instruction (readiness, reinforcement, enrichment) Keep unit letters for support
Curriculum Reading Shared Reading Program: Good Habits, Great Readers; Trade books Whole group instruction Guided Reading/Independent Reading Program: Daily 5, DRA, Leveled Readers Small group instruction One on one conferencing Both teach self-help strategies Build stamina Phonics Programs: Good Habits, Great Readers and Words Their Way Phonetic approach to word building and decoding Use of word sorts to help identify spelling patterns instead of memorization Work independently, in small groups and with teacher support
Curriculum Science Physical Science: matter, motion and energy Earth Science: earth, weather and sky Life Science: plants and animals, life cycles Students receive an effort grade Social Studies o My Class, My Community (citizenship) o New Jersey o Character Education o Cultural Traditions o Making Changes; past and present o Anti-Bullying/Respect o Students receive an effort grade
Homework Math Homelink Read Each Night Practice Math Facts Sight Words *Words Their Way lists will begin later in the year* Should take about 20 minutes Sign homework journal each night
Organization School Materials Take Home Folders Homework Journals (check them daily) Suggested Home Materials pencils glue stick eraser crayons scissors
Grading Performance Assessments Progress Checks Tests Homework Effort *Report Cards are sent home 4 times a year- November, January, April and June Report Card Grades 4Meeting or exceeding expectations 3Progressing toward meeting expectations 2Progressing toward meeting expectations with some support 1Not meeting expectations at this time
Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held November 18 th - 24 th **Please be sure to sign up for your conference at your earliest convenience**
Specials Physical Education: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri Music:Friday Art:Tuesday Health:Tuesday Library:Wednesday Book Exchange:Wednesday
Important Remind ers Breakfast Club starts at 7:30 Dropping off too early is unsafe The school day starts at 8:25 am Visit our website at Please join the PTA Don’t forget to sign up for conferences
Birthdays We love birthdays in Room 5! If it is your child’s birthday, he/she is able to bring in a treat for the class to be shared during snack time so that those who may not be able to partake due to allergies are not left out of the celebration.
Reminders Snack 10 minutes daily Should be small & healthy Send them with spoons, forks and napkins necessary to eat the snack Lunch Money $2.35 Label envelope with child’s name, 1N and Room 5 Please review lunch choices daily
Reminders *Each week your child has the opportunity to bring home a book from the West End Library. Please listen to and support your child when he or she reads the book. Finished books can be returned the next day so that your child can take home a new one.
Things to Work on With Your Child Tying shoes Making a lunch choice Knowing what is snack and what is lunch Knowing addresses and phone numbers Knowing and spelling first and last names Knowing his/her birthday
Ways to support learning at home Reading Practice upper and lower case alphabet Practice the sounds of the alphabet Read to your child Have him/her read to you Have him/her retell the story Math Have him/her count to you Practice counting objects Count loose change/coins Practice number recognition Have him/her write the numbers 1 to 110 Practice math facts
Let’s work together to have a great school year!