Detecting Botnets 1 Detecting Botnets With Anomalous DNS Traffic Wenke Lee and David Dagon Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing {wenke,
Detecting Botnets 2 Introduction We summarize recent work on botnet detection and response –One aspect of large sinkhole study –“KarstNet” project Goal: stop botnets before they attack –Requires sensitive detection that identifies attack networks as they form.
Detecting Botnets 3 Introduction Significant, growing problem: botnets Collectively, attackers are stronger –DDoS, spam-sending armies, distributed phishing, Botnets facilitate blended attacks, and conduct lightning, mass-attacks of new exploits: “The short vulnerability-to- exploitation window makes bots particularly dangerous” -- “ Emerging Cybersecurity Issues Threaten Federal Information Systems”,
Detecting Botnets 4 Introduction Botnet design goals: –Robustness: no simple point of failure –Mobility: Command and Control (C&C) can migrate to other networks –Stealth: difficult to detect Key insight: –C&C is essential to a botnet. Without C&C, bots are just discrete, unorganized infections
Detecting Botnets 5 “The Rallying Problem” C&C is used to “rally” victims into a network. –If we can detect C&C, we identify the botnet –Our goal: detect botnet during its formation, before it attacks (e.g., via DDoS) Let’s reason like an attacker, to learn how to identify C&C traffic. We’ll compare different attacker strategies to the attacker’s three design goals: –Robustness, Mobility, Stealth
Detecting Botnets 6 Naïve First Virus Suppose we write a virus. –We borrow from public repositories of virus source code –10 minutes later, we’ve compiled our first VB virus. Payload: it spreads itself by , and prints annoying messages to the screen. –We it with some enticing content or other social engineering ploy. –What happens? VX Virus Usenet / (VX means “virus”)
Detecting Botnets 7 Naïve First Virus The virus spreads to 10k victims (easily). Congratulations, you’ve just graduated to the 1980s virus scene. Let’s suppose we wanted to use the victim computers, instead of just harming them. V1V1 Usenet / V3V3 V8V8 V9V9 V7V7 V6V6 V5V5 V4V4 V2V2 Virus
Detecting Botnets 8 (Still) Naïve Rallying How can we find the victims? –Problem: Random victim propagation. –Simple (bad) idea: Victims their IP addresses Problems: –Virus has to include author’s address (no stealth) –Single point of failure (not robust) –Virus has hardcoded address (not mobile, if author’s account suspended) VX Virus Usenet / V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 Virus Victim3’s ip Victim2’s ip Victim1’s ip
Detecting Botnets 9 Naïve Rallying II Another idea: The victims could post to usenet, and the VXer could read the posts anonymously –We’ve just reinvented the early/mid 1990s vx scene Problem: –Somewhat robust A few Usenet posts get dropped Some Delays in posting cause DHCP victims to change IPs –Not stealthy AV companies and rival VXers obtain victim information –There’s a fairly public listing of who is infected We want packets, not Usenet posts from the victims, since these don’t usually make a lasting record.
Detecting Botnets 10 Naïve Rallying III We use one victim as a web server, and all other contact this victim. The VXer just reads the httpd logs to identify victims. Problems: –Not Robust: Single-point- of-failure –Not Very Stealthy: Hard- coded C&C IP VX Virus Usenet / V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 Virus Victim3’s ip Victim2’s ip Victim1’s ip backdoor
Detecting Botnets 11 Rallying IV Use an IRC network for rallying, and private (keyed) channels. This is the late 1990s VX scene Benefits: Robust –IRCd hub/leaf design has no single point of failure Problems: –Not very stealthy (careful binary RE can discover channel key) –Not very Mobile: once all IRCd operators ban channel, bots are not mobile VX Virus Usenet / V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 Virus IRC Network
Detecting Botnets 12 Rallying V VX Virus Usenet / V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 Virus IRC Network 1 IRC Network 2 Attacker uses Dynamic DNS (DDNS) –Chooses an IRC network for victims, updates record response (RR) through DDNS. –Other robust network rallying possible (e.g., P2P) DDNS is used by most (95%+) of the botnets. –Even for those using non-IRCd rallying DDNS DNS for RR for SYN DDNS Update
Detecting Botnets 13 KarstNet Overview (Rallying box) Dynamic DNS V1V1 V2V2 V3V3 V4V4 V5V5 Victim Cloud Malware Author 1: propagate; “ coded in malware 2: 1 3: ! 3’: DNStop alert. DynDNS updates CName to point to GT sinkhole Georgia Tech Sinkhole 4’
Detecting Botnets 14 DDNS Rallying Note general properties of hardcoded rallying (string) address: –Domain name purchases use traceable financial information. Multiple 3LDs can use DDNS service with one package deal. –Thus: financial and stealthy motives for botnet authors to “reuse” SLD with numerous 3LDs. … SLD 3LDs
Detecting Botnets 15 DNS Rallying Also, note DNS behavior of botnets –After boot, bots immediately resolve their C&C. Exponential arrival of bot DNS requests, because of time zones, 9 a.m./5 p.m. schedules, etc. –Normal DNS behavior is not exponential. Humans don’t immediately check the same server seconds after boot.
Detecting Botnets 16 Detection Overview Observation #1: Rates of 3LDs within and SLD are higher for botnets. –Easily detected when 3LD rates are factored into SLD rates Observation #2: Rates of DNS requests for botnet domains is exponential. –Easily distinguished from normal DNS rate densities.
Detecting Botnets 17 3LD/SLD Detection We define canonical DNS rate for SLD i as: We obtained 2-week DNS sample from DDNS provider; hand identified the dozens of botnets for ground truth.
Detecting Botnets 18 3LD/SLD Detection
Detecting Botnets 19 3LD/SLD Detection Detection via simple threshold and inequality:
Detecting Botnets 20 Assumptions: –DDNS providers tend to have few 3LDs for customers Financial disincentives for web design (changes require DNS updates) Easier to create (HTML skills vs DNS skills) Customers expect SLDs 3LD/SLD Detection Subdirectories 3LDs
Detecting Botnets 21 Rate Detection Most victim (home) computers are turned on/off periodically. –(Note strong diurnal pattern) A second detection layer: –Take DNS rates for all hosts, and sort by lookups/time unit for a small (e.g., 12 hour) window –The botnet hosts have exponential “spikes” as victims rally –Normal traffic is smoother (poisson arrival) Activity (SYN rate) of large 350K+ member botnet
Detecting Botnets 22 Rate Detection Differentiate densities with various measures Mahalanobis distance K-S distance
Detecting Botnets 23 Assumptions DNS rates for DDNS providers differ from other networks. –These detection techniques are specific to DDNS provides. –Currently, most (95%+) of studied botnets use DDNS
Detecting Botnets 24 Response We’ve focused on detection, so we’ll just note response options: –Recording victim IPs (blacklist routing) –Contacting upstream ISPs –Sinkholing DDNS provider offers RR of sinkhole IP
Detecting Botnets 25 (Other Work) Time permits only brief mention of other benefits: –Accurate propagation models based on actual data—a first! –Rank ordering of malware importance, based on expected propagation rates. –Design of next-generation proxypots and honeypots
Detecting Botnets 26 Conclusion Botnets: a significant problem Goal: detect victim cloud prior to botnet attacks (e.g., DDoS) Insight: botnets must use C&C Detection: –For DDNS detection possible with 3LD/SLD adjusted rates, and sorted rate densities.