The international experience, with particular reference to Hong Kong and Australia Peter W. Hill How will the proposed reforms to qualifications in the UK impact on standards?
Outline Certification structures Content standards Performance standards
Certification structures Traditional Comprehensive Universal full secondary End of secondary
Hong Kong ‘334’ reforms Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Undergraduate Senior secondary Junior secondary HKAL HKCEE Prior to 2012 Junior secondary Senior secondary Undergraduate HKDSE From 2012 Chinese, English, Mathematics, Liberal Studies and 2-4 other subjects
Hong Kong: From grades to levels HKCE HKAL B B A A C C D D E E F F U U 5** HKDSE U U *
Content standards How do curriculum intentions and what is assessed in this subject compare with that in other high performing nations?
Quantitative benchmarking
Benchmarking assessments “Assessments should be evaluated against those of the leading education countries, in terms of the kinds of tasks they present as well as the level of performance they expect “ Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education Criteria for Higher-Quality Assessment, June 2013
Performance standards How do levels of performance compare with that of other countries, having regard not just for average levels but of the distribution of performance?
HK: Performance standards indicative cut score ExaminationMonitoring Test confidence interval
HK: Benchmarking performance standards UK: recognition of HKDSE through UCAS tariff system HKDSE accepted by 140 leading tertiary institutions worldwide
Australia (NSW) Reporting of scores as well as grades Use of normative and standards referenced reporting Reporting standards
Some suggestions Consider the impact of any changes in standards of the GCSE on standards at ‘A’ Level Use a rigorous methodology to benchmark content with leading jurisdictions Gain early agreement on new performance standards In setting standards, ensure fine discrimination at the top and a ‘C’ grade that is challenging but achievable Maintain standards through the use of professional judgment informed by modern psychometrics and systematic sampling of student scripts around cut-scores Consider reporting more than just grades