Treninig Program in Aspindza / Kutaisi / Guria Nugzar Meladze Alexander Grdzelidze
Biogas Energy - Short description of the work process - Economical and Ecological effects in the Biogas systems - The tapes of the Biogas systems which is using in Georgia
Biogas Energy - Description of small capacity metal construction biogas system, installation conditions, exploitation and deployment - Description of small capacity building type biogas system, installation conditions, exploitation and deployment - Description of wood environmentally clean dung storage and efficiency
Solar Thermal Collector - Solar water heating systems and different types - Existing Solar thermal systems in Georgia and their efficiency - Description of the Solar thermal systems and working process - Economic and Ecology aspects
Solar Drier System - Description and different types of solar driers - Working process and efficiency - International Experience
Micro Hydro Systems - History and the world experience - Experience in Georgia and implemented projects - Description of the micro hydro systems and working process - Georgian rivers and their potential - Efficiency and economical characteristics
Energy Efficiency - Energy Efficiency fetchers and benefits and economical efficiency - Energy Efficiency building materials - Improved metal-plastic doors and windows (saving energy 40-50%) - Insulation materials (mineral covers, basalt cover, and etc)
Energy Efficiency - Energy Efficiency bulbs (energy saving up to 30%) - Energy Efficiency equipments - Water and air heating boilers - Energy efficiency wood stoves - Energy efficiency freezers and heating pumps - Solar heating collectors