董事長特助陳志昕(聯華神通集團) 20分鐘 5~10 分鐘 Joint-Q&A 私部門參與APEC之經驗分享 董事長特助陳志昕(聯華神通集團) 20分鐘 5~10 分鐘 Joint-Q&A
APEC Achievements and Benefits
APEC Mission APEC is the premier Asia-Pacific economic forum. Our primary goal is to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. We are united in our drive to build a dynamic and harmonious Asia-Pacific community by championing free and open trade and investment, promoting and accelerating regional economic integration, encouraging economic and technical cooperation, enhancing human security, and facilitating a favorable and sustainable business environment. Our initiatives turn policy goals into concrete results and agreements into tangible benefits.
ABAC Does Matter 發揮議題設定功能 蒐集私部門產業 觀點,增加貿易談判優勢 整合公私部門意見、發揮政策加乘效果 IT Schools-2003-ADOC project 泰國Thaskin ABAC與領袖對話-該年與美國, 日本同組-爭取TPP, ECFA發言-2009-日本 申請APEC project funding的籌碼-SME, women等等 面對亞太區域的發展與整合,企業界的參與對於APEC而言,更是重要。多年來,APEC企業諮詢委員會(ABAC)積極地對APEC領袖們提出各項經貿改革建議,以確保區域經貿的持續性發展,其對APEC能順利完成第一階段茂物宣言目標,發揮了最大效用。 建立與各國企業代表互動網絡 藉由ABAC平台推廣 台灣能見度 9
我國參與ABAC之策略 選擇潛力議題領域(issue area),作為我國參 與ABAC的主軸 積極參與議題討論及加入研究計畫,分享產業 經營經驗 持續與其他代表及幕僚密切互動,提高影響力 活用ABAC對政策敏感反應與訊息集散中心的 特性 選擇潛力議題領域(issue area),作為我國參與ABAC的主軸 尤其是對我國有商機 積極參與議題討論及加入研究計畫,分享產業經營經驗 服務業貿易議題 持續與其他代表及幕僚密切互動,提高影響力 主辦國(都是未來的主辦國) 活用ABAC對政策敏感反應與訊息集散中心的特性 例如TPP/RCEP的發展情況 蒐集並研析國際議題的發展緣由和脈絡,做好知彼的工作。 建立台灣有關非政府組織發展的文獻紀錄,並在國際場合中推廣運用。
2015 ABAC Working Groups ICWG Infrastructure and Connectivity Working Group IDWG Infrastructure Development Working Group REIWG SDWG Sustainable Development Working Group Sustainable Growth Working Group Technology and Information Working Group Technology Working Group Technology Task Force SMMEEWG
Regional Economic Integration Working Group (REIWG) 2015 1st ABAC Meeting, 27-30 January 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China REIWG 35-001, REIWG Agenda Second Draft REIWG 34-050, REIWG Minutes First Draft REIWG 35-002, World Trade Organization (WTO): Situation and Outlook First Draft REIWG 35-002A, Presentation: WTO Update and Way Forward First Draft REIWG 35-002B, Attachment: Towards Converging Frameworks First Draft REIWG 35-002C, Attachment: Turning 20 Marks Time for the WTO to Grow Up First Draft REIWG 35-003, Enhancing APEC-ABAC Cooperation to Advance GVC Issues Second Draft REIWG 35-004, FEWG-REIWG: Financing Resilient and Inclusive Growth - Proposed 2015 Joint Work Program First Draft REIWG 35-005, Enhancing the Investment Environment in APEC and ASEAN Economies and the Establishment of the Regional Investment Analytical Group (RIAG) First Draft REIWG 35-006, CTI Priorities 2015 First Draft REIWG 35-007, Building More Effective Global Value Chains First Draft REIWG 35-008, ABAC Contribution to the Collective Strategic Study FTAAP First Draft REIWG 35-008A, ABAC Research Project Proposal - ABAC Contribution to the Collective Strategic Study FTAAP First Draft REIWG 35-009, Mobilizing APEC Business Services Networks and Coalitions for the New Services Agenda First Draft REIWG 35-009A, Presentation: Mobilizing Business for a New APEC Services Agenda First Draft REIWG 35-010, REIWG Advocacy Matrix Second Draft REIWG 35-011, APEC 2015 Services Agenda First Draft REIWG 35-012, REIWG Minutes Second Draft Regional Economic Integration Working Group (REIWG)
Regional Economic Integration Working Group (REIWG) REIWG 35-003, Enhancing APEC-ABAC Cooperation to Advance GVC Issues Second Draft ABAC Chinese Taipei
SMME and Entrepreneurship Working Group (SMMEEWG) 2015 1st ABAC Meeting, 27-30 January 2015, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China SMMEEWG 35-001, SMMEEWG Agenda Third Draft SMMEEWG 34-040, SMMEEWG Minutes First Draft SMMEEWG 35-002, Asia-Pacific Open Innovation Platform (AP-OIP) Plan for 2015 Third Draft SMMEEWG 35-003, 2015 CBET eLearning Program Kick-off Second Draft SMMEEWG 35-004, 2015 Education Cooperation Project (ECP) on SMME Initiative with ABAC First Draft SMMEEWG 35-005, SMMEE Working Group: Draft 2015 Work Program First Draft SMMEEWG 35-006, FEWG-SMMEEWG: Financing Resilient and Inclusive Growth - Proposed 2015 Joint Work Program Second Draft SMMEEWG 35-007, ABAC Malaysia - SME Finance Forum Workshop on Innovative Financing for SMMEs First Draft SMMEEWG 35-008, Localizing CBET for BIMP EAGA in Brunei with ABAC China First Draft SMMEEWG 35-008A, Attachment: CBET Workshop Details First Draft SMMEEWG 35-009, Malaysia’s SME Masterplan First Draft SMMEEWG 35-010, USC Marshall – ABAC Research Proposal 2015: Promoting SMME Inclusions through the Digital Economy First Draft SMMEEWG 35-010A, Presentation: Research Proposal 2015- Driving the Internationalization of SMMEs First Draft SMMEEWG 35-011, SMMEEWG Advocacy Matrix Second Draft SMMEEWG 35-012, 50 Leading Companies for Women in APEC First Draft SMMEEWG 35-013, SMMEEWG Minutes First Draft SMME & Entrepreneurship Working Group (SMMEEWG)
SMME and Entrepreneurship Working Group (SMMEEWG) SMMEEWG 35-002, Asia-Pacific Open Innovation Platform (AP-OIP) Plan for 2015 Third Draft ABAC Chinese Taipei
參與經驗分享 from Private Sector Good Examples Sharing: PPP: 21 Economic Entities, From 2015 HK ABAC Meeting, started invited Senior Officers to join the meeting and dialogue crossly with all participants. Very good opportunities to show and share what Taiwan’s Achievements. Such as: Attached files. Sustainable Environmental Infrastructural Investment like cycling way, river hiking trails: Attached files . Create Good Potential Subjects/Issues: Industrial Cluster (產業聚落) and Science Park. Supply Chain Creation cross border joining from Manufacturing and Service Industries. (Taiwan cases) Vocational Education Re-alignment for High-Education Policy .