Housing Development within the Parish of Shearsby Presentation 10 September 2015
TYPES OF HOUSING Terrace & Mews Conversion of Existing Buildings Smaller Houses BungalowsHousing Association Large Houses FlatsAssisted Living Homes for Young Families Summary: The majority of people were in favour of terrace & mews developments, the conversion of existing buildings and the development of smaller houses
LOCATION OF NEW BUILDINGS Build within Conservation Area Areas Abutting Conservation Area Areas on Approach Roads to the Village Build Beyond Curtilage but within Parish 9 Summary: The majority of people were in favour of development within the conservation area The village was already well supplied with housing was a comment, some asked for more information about where and how many houses before they could comment in detail
SIZE OF DEVELOPMENTS Small Scale Developments (5 Buildings) Large Housing Developments Individual PlotsSelf Builds Summary: The majority of people disapproved of large scale housing development, preferring small scale development of up to 5 buildings Many people questioned location and would like more information about this
METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION Traditional Builds (with materials listed) Environmentally Friendly Builds Other Types of Builds High Insulation Builds Off Road Parking (2 parking spaces per property) Hedging Around Property Summary: The majority of people would prefer builds with 2 off road parking spaces, traditional and with high levels of insulation
APPEARANCE & AMENITIES Protection of Wildlife Habitats Protection from Toxic Agricultural Spray Prohibiting Conversation of Bungalows (in particular locations) Prohibiting Change of Use of Village Pub Purchase of Land for Recreational Use Permitting External Insulation Summary: The majority of people would like to ensure the protection of wildlife habitats and prohibit a change of use of the village pub Position of the village in relation to the surrounding countryside was of great importance to many. Cases being treated on individual merit was of interest to some There is a concern within the Parish to the fitness of drainage and other services to cope with more housing