Objectives 3-4 3- Differentiate between Mercator, Robinson and Conic map projections. 4- Calculate time and date in different time zones
Map Projections Projections Image of the Earth projected on paper
Map Projections: Mercator Lat. & long. lines parallel Covers large area (global) Distortion at the poles
Map Projections: Robinson Accurate continental shapes Lines of lat. are parallel Lines of long. are curved Less distortion near poles
Map Projections: Conic Accurate for certain latitudes Distortion at poles and equator Usually covers a small area
Why Time Zones? video
Why do we have time zones? Earth rotates once every 24 hours West to east
Why do we have time zones? Divide earth into 24 time zones (25) Each unit is 15o wide = 1hr time change Eastward advance hour Westward subtract hour
Rules for Changing Date Date changes when crossing International Date Line Cross westward = advance a day Cross eastward = go back a day Day must change at midnight