Air quality policy in Flanders Flemish Government Department Environment, Nature and Energy Mirka Van der Elst
Legislation Framework directive (96/62/EC) Basis common air quality policy in EU 4 daughter directives; air quality standards for 13 pollutants SO 2, NO 2 (NOx), PM 10, Pb CO, benzene Ozone As, Cd, Ni, PAK B(a)P, (Hg) Framework + daughters (3 out of 4) reviewed in 1 directive air quality 2008/50/EG Limit values PM 2,5 added. postponement limit values PM 10 possible (till medio 2011) if Exceedances caused by: transboundary air pollution, negative meteorological conditions, specific local conditions all possible measures are taken and the limit values will be reached in postponement limit values NO 2 possible (till medio 2015) if all possible measures are taken and the limit values will be reached in 2015
Achievement of LV / TV Ozone: emissions of precursors (NOx and NMVOC) ↓ but transboundary problem. European approach needed (NEC-directive). TV (2010) will not be achieved Pb, As, Cd: Exceedance of LV (Pb) / TV (As, Cd) in the near vicinity of 2 non- ferrous plant Ni: Exceedance of TV in the near vicinity of 1 ferrous plant PM 10 : structural problem: higher concentrations at industrial hotspots, city- and streetlevel. High backgound! NO 2 structural problem: 1 industrial hotspot (port of Antwerp: refineries, (petro)chemistry (under control), traffic!!), city- and streetlevel (traffic) → Policy emphasis for air quality lays on PM 10 and NO 2
Action plans Ozone: flemish NEC-plan to reach the Flemish ceilings of NOx, SO 2, VOC and NH 3. Actions for transport, stationary sources (industry: SO 2, NOx and VOC) and agriculture Pb: LV (2005) exceeded at 1 non-ferrous plant: specific action plan in execution, to reach LV asap As, Cd, Ni: TV (december 2012): exceeded at a ferrous (Ni) and non-ferrous plants (As, Cd): specific action plans in execution. Directive: application of BAT PM 10 and NO 2 : general measures and measures for specific hot spot zones see further!
NO 2 (ESA satellite) source
PM 10 ( ESA–satellite) source: R.B.A. Koelemeijer et al. 2006
Modelling by the European Commission Rural PM 2,5 concentrations, year averages [µg/m 3 ] of known antropogenic sources Flanders hotspot within Europe Source: IIASA - EMEP
Conclusion Flanders in Europe Flanders = hot spot in Europe Reasons (a.o.): vicinity of Northern France, Southern Netherlands, Western Germany: big cities, dense road network, industry A lot of transboundary air pollution (PM 10 ) But: Flanders exports air pollution too!!
Transboundary air pollution: modelled Flemish – non Flemish proportion 17%: not modelled = natural sources, diffuse emissions and intercontinental transport 11%: not attributed = contributions forming fine dust after interaction of Flemish and foreign gasses PM 10 : Flanders = 29% abroad = 43% However: the Flemish dust doesn’t either stay within the borders! source: Vito-Ircel 2006 (MIRA-T 2006) – BelEuros-model Flanders France United Kingdom The Netherlands Germany other foreign country not attributed not modelled
Limit values PM and NO 2
PM10: Measured concentrations + “intelligent interpolation” No exceedances Exceedances %37%49%48%81%38%25%30% Exposed population:
relation day- and yearly LV PM 10
Modelled concentrations based on sources Fugitive emissions: not modeled
NO 2 : measured concentration
Modelled NO 2 traffic 1.Highways and district roads: modelling study to find the bottlenecks in 2010 for NO 2 (and PM 10 ) Various bottlenecks discovered NO 2 (and PM 10 )
Innercity Street level Street level is important: Emissions at low hight direct exposure Emissions of traffic: important - PM 10 : 20 % exhaust + 8 % non-exhaust - NO 2 : 61 % exhaust Accumulation of air pollution in street canyons Soot particles probably most dangerous compound of PM
PM 10 Street level – inner city Antwerp Bron: IRCEL-VITO, belEUROS; MIRA-T 2006
NO 2 street level: inner city Antwerp Bijdrage straat = 35%
Conclusions from measuring & modelling PM 10 : At meteorological bad year: exceedances almost everywhere General exceedances: -industrial hotspots -Background of important cities -Important traffic axes -Inner city roads (street canyons) Exceedances measured and modelled NO 2 General exceedances: -1 industrial hotspot (NO 2 also from traffic) -Background of important cities -Important traffic axes -Inner city roads Most of exceedances modelled
Problem with NO 2 City background: sinds medio ’90s stagnation of concentration NOx ( NO+NO 2 ) but ratio NO 2 /NOx Due to: more diesel cars NOx emission of Euro-4 diesel cars in realistic driving conditions not much lower than Euro-1 Euro-4 (Euro-3) diesel car + sootfilter: up to 80 % NO 2 (of the NOx) due to oxidation catalyst
Postponement PM 10 ? Leave out exceedances due to: meteorological circumstances (low wind velocity, little turbulention in atmophere, temperature inversion) Transboundary contribution exceedences in 2007: 20 5 or 3, depending of the criteria used Distription of all measures taken See: nsions.htm But: not all measures modelled yet not clear if we will reach LV medio 2011 Postponement or ?? European Commission will give answer in july 2009
Sources of PM 10 !! Diffuse emissions industry (storage and transfer) NOT estimated. Diffuse emissions agriculture (manipulation of farmland) and traffic included
Sources of NOx
Sanitation plans PM – NO 2 Secondary dust and NO 2 : Flemish NEC-program (NEC = National Emission Ceiling, from the NEC- directive): measures to reduce NO 2 and the gases that form PM: SO 2, NOx, NH 3 and VOC Primary dust: -Flemish Dust plan (2005) -Plans at industrial hotspots such as port of Antwerp and Ghent (2007 and 2008) -Plan in function of postponement with state of the art of all the actions -Extra traffic measures
ZONE SPECIFIC MEASURESGENERIC MEASURES Flemish fine dust abatement program Traffic Navigation Industry Industrial hotspots Cities and municipalities Highways and district roads Flemish Dustplan (and NO 2 ) Agri- and horticulture Domestic and tertiary sector Traffic
Traffic: Europe European policy Euro 5 en 6 standards for CARS: Euro 5 (soot filter): 9/2009 (new types) -1/2011 (all new cars) Euro 6 (deNOx): 9/2014 (new types) - 9/2015 (all new cars) Euro VI norm for trucks (PM en NOx ↓) Under negotiation European standards for CARS and trucks have a very important impact on air quality (transboundary and local)
Flemish traffic policy : overview General policy Global mobility policy: fluent circulation, modal shift Ecofriendly vehicles ecoscore Traffic taxes and tax on new cars Subsidy for soot filters Ecodriving sensibilisation Intern environmental actions at Flemish government Local authorities: Cooperation agreement with municipalities with financial support model CAR Flanders High ways Velocity limitation under smog-conditions dynamic traffic management
Ecoscore From 0 till 100: the higher the ecoscore, the more ecofriendly the CAR different negative effects off vehicles taken into account: Greenhouse effect: -carbondioxide (CO2) -methane (CH4) -dinitrogenoxyde (N2O) Impact on human health and environment: -carbonmonoxyde (CO) -carbonhydrogens (HC) -nitrogenoxydes (NOx) -Soot particles (PM) -Sulferdioxyde (SO2) noise: noise of engine
Ecoscore as basis to reform traffic taxes Principle discision of Flemish government 20 juli 2006: Under development
Subsidies soot filters Twee varieties: Closed soot filters: Reduction of 90% or more PM Retrofit trucks (retrofit = later on building in) Building-in in new CARS (retrofit not possible!) Half open soot filters Reduction 10 tot 70 % PM Retrofit cars Subsidies for: Closed soot filter trucks Half open soot filter cars
Intern environmental actions at Flemish government Free public transport home - work Posibility to work at satellite offices close to home or homework, company bicycle Ecofriendly verhicles -busses De Lijn: installation of soot filters and deNOx : program almost finished -Company cars: ecoscore as criterium for purchase Fleet analyse of Flemish government will start up soon (full Vlaamse overheid)
Subsidies soot filters Twee varieties: Closed soot filters: Reduction of 90% or more PM Retrofit trucks (retrofit = later on building in) Building-in in new CARS (retrofit not possible!) Half open soot filters Reduction 10 tot 70 % PM Retrofit cars Subsidies for: Closed soor filter trucks Half open soot filter cars
Highways and secundary roads Velocity limitation till 90 km/u at certain parts of the highway in period of smog-alarm since 2007 Smog-alarm = min 2 consecutive days concentration PM10 > 70 µg/m3
Highways and secundary roads 1.Dynamic traffic management good traffic flow: lower emissions of NOx and PM10
Local authorities Intercity roads Bottlenecks are expected: in busy street canyons Some calculations are not elaborated on Flemish (due to missing data) – must be done at city and municipality level -Street model developed by government and freely distributed to cities and municipalities (CAR-Vlaanderen) -Constructive dialogue with cities and municipalities about the model and possible measures Financial support -Analyse of air quality bottlenecks with CAR or other model -Action plans and measures to reduce air pollution -Environmental check of own fleet + achievement of ecofriendly vehicles
automatically Automatically, but can be changed
Sanitation strategy PM: navigation Measures inland shipping Emission norms are developed at EU level Financial support of modernisation motors of Flemish inland ships Measures sea shipping Most important measures at international (Marpol) and EU level Non competition disturbing measures reflected with ports (e.g. lower taxes for ecofriendly ships, low sulfer fuel, electricity from the quay, … )
Sanitation strategy: industry Global measures -Recent more stringent general emission limit values dust (20 mg/Nm³) -All combustion plants: more stringent emission norms from 2008 (for big plants more stringent than Large Combustion Plants European directive) -Refineries: more stringent bubble (for whole refinery) emission norms from 2010 on for PM, SO 2 and NO x, more stringent norms for crackers since Electricity sector: convenant / agreement (2004 – 2009 – option till 2014) with commitments for SO 2 and NOx -Chipboard industry: great sanitation due to environmental permit and inspection actions (PM) -Specific measures for Iron and steel, non-ferro -More stringent sectorial conditions for chemical industry and waste incineration (NOx) -More stringent measures for fugitive emissions under development
Sanitation strategy PM: industry Zone specific -Research at industrial hotspot zones -Backwards modelling to find unidentified sources -Fugitive emissions (storage and transfer of goods) from local sources important -Specific action plans -Stricter legislation for storage and transfer under development
Sanitation strategy PM: domestic sector and agriculture Household Decrease of emissions due to NEC-plan and energy policy (stimulation of energy saving measures), sensibilisation campaigns open fires, good use of wood furnaces and emission sharpening heating system by federal and European legislation Agri- and horticulture Energy saving measures and emission low fuels stimulated by energy policy and action plan sustainable greenhouse horticulture research on economical, technical and practical attainability dedusting measures; ammonia- scent and aminal friendly measures for preference
Any questions? Dienst Lucht en Klimaat, Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw, Koning Albert II-laan 20, 7th floor 1000 Brussel, Belgium. Tel (secr)