November 2011
Cary, NC Oct. 4, 2011 Next meeting is in January via Conference Call
Car Accounting Self Service – implemented October 2011 Car Hire Data Exchange Platform Upgrade – Development should be complete Dec 2011 with implementation scheduled for Feb LCS Risk and Opportunity Assessment – Study Project – A consultant is working with Railinc. It is anticipated that the LCS platform will be updated without significant changes to the underlying logic.
Locomotive HPH & Fuel Consumption Date Exchange – Study Project – Railinc has met with the appropriate people from the carriers. RPSWC determined that no project should be progressed. NS will work to develop a common format for the exchange of data between the carriers.
At the August 2011 meeting, the Railinc Project Support Working Committee (RPSWC) reviewed the 2012 projects submitted by all the AAR committees Car Hire Data Exchange Edits was the only EAC project approved.
Mileage Comparison Project – Lee Ann Dietz will present on this topic later in the agenda Deprescription Study – One of the 2012 projects submitted by EAC was to improve the interface functionality of the Bid & Offer system and the Market Data process. The project was NOT progressed by RPSWC. However RPSWC asked Railinc to undertake a study to identify all necessary changes in the deprescription process.
As part of a long term strategy to move away from its mainframe platform, Railinc is migrating applications to mid-range platforms. Current plans are to move Deprescription and the Car Hire Liability file in LCS and the Event Repository are scheduled for 2013 or later.
JanuaryInitial Communication for Master Plan and Schedule March Deliver Opportunity Definition 1 to RPSWC: Sponsor, Value Proposition, Primary Business Drivers AprilRPSWC Meeting: Preliminary Pipeline Review May Deliver Opportunity Definition 2 to RPSWC: Themes Correlated with Anticipated Business Benefits JuneRPSWC Meeting: Initial Prioritization July Deliver Business Case to RPSWC: Industry Summary Financial Analysis AugustRPSWC Meeting: Selection and Prioritization OctoberRPSWC Meeting: Budgetary Review and Commitment
Vision and Focus Car Hire Rules Car Hire Calculation Car Service Information Management and Data Quality
The Vision and Focus Task Force has continued to support the EAC goal of developing a car hire training program. Suggested goals for 2012 ◦ Car Hire Training ◦ Improve rejected railcar reporting (provide more information on rejected cars). ◦ Alternative routing of empty returns (help move cars outside the normal distribution rules).
The task force has been assigned the task of reviewing the appurtenance rates established in Appendix S ◦ It is anticipated that this effort will improve utilization of multi-level equipment
The Task Force (TF)has been supporting the development of the Car Hire Training for delivery at the ASLRRA convention in 2012 The new Car Accounting Self Service (CASS) will allow carriers to create Liability Acceptance Messages (LAM TRAIN 231, Type 5) The TF is reviewing the proper handling of Rule 15 TOL offers when DDCT is controlling car hire. The TF is also planning to discuss the TOL time limits in Chicago.
Tony DiDeo is the new chair for the task force. The task force has worked with Railinc to determine what changes should be made to RAMP-ED as a result of changes in US Customs and Border Patrol (CBOP) regulations. ◦ The Task Force recommended that RAMP-ED activity be limited to car in the US to prevent cars from Canada and Mexico from being directed without proper information. The Task Force recommends that mechanical designation FDC be added to SCO 90
The Task Force worked with Railinc to develop the improved CHDX Edits project. ◦ Project was approved by RPSWC for 2012 ◦ Task Force envisions two levels of errors. Critical errors may result in rejection of data files Non-critical errors may NOT result in the rejection of the data.
Develop and Present Car Accounting Training Complete review and revision of Appendix S to the Car Hire Rules Develop improved alternative routing of empty returns (SCO 90, RAMP-ED) Implement Improved edits in the CHDX process Reduce Car Hire processing cost Identify variances in SCO 90 reporting to assist carriers.
Robert Sanford, NS – New Chair Ken Jacobs, BNSF - New Vice Chair Current Chair, Tony DiDeo, CSX term as chair will end with the year 2011