Conversion of Rural School to Alternative Green Energy
Green and Healthy school Converting the current roofing system to a photovoltaic solar module roofing system Projected to become a “net-zero” school
Photovoltaic Grid Panels
Photovoltaic Systems Solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity
Photovoltaic Systems Solar panels, controller or power converter, and interconnections and mounting for components of solar electric roofing system.
Solar Grid-Tie System Maximum use of sloped roof space Lightweight structure engineered to with stand 120 mph+ winds and 50 lb snow loading SES Solar Flushmount Systems
Grid-Tie Solar Systems Solar Mounting System Solar System Inverter
Grid-Tie Solar Systems Drawings and Tech Support Solar Array
Green Energy Roofing System PV Array Modules are first connected in a series Individual strings are connected in parallel, allows system to produce more current.
Green and Healthy School " Empowering students to create healthier, safer, and more environmentally sustainable schools and communities." Retrieved from :
Project Lead The Way Curriculum The leading provider of rigorous and innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs used in middle and high schools across the U.S. Retrieved from: Program will train the youth in innovative Renewable/Sustainable careers.